2007 (123)
2008 (108)
2009 (123)
2010 (88)
2011 (127)
2012 (167)
2013 (94)
2014 (145)
2015 (232)
2016 (119)
2017 (81)
2018 (78)
2019 (73)
Excellent quality project delivery
Multi project capability
Comprehensive knowledge of the system
Excellent analytical skill
Great can do attitude and accountability
Healthy relationship among co-workers
Excellent attendance
Your work make other’s work easy; you make great contribution to the company ……
我相當激動地往下看,赫然看到評分欄目寫著:Exceed Requirement!
我抬起頭來,看著可林的眼睛說:Thank you. Thanks for the recognition.
可林也看著我的眼睛說:是我該說謝謝你。她接著說:我們公司一般不給這個評估,但是我反複思考,你真是 well deserve it。
接下來,用老板的話說,就是 The best part: 長工資。從當今的經濟景況看,公司給我長的幅度讓我由衷感恩。一直以來,雖然老板頻頻誇獎,我從來不跟老板要求長工資。我覺得他們很講理,我不需要主動去提錢的事。
可林還指出我今後的發展。她說她對我掌握PC platform programming 很具信心。說到技術轉型,實在是非常非常的痛苦。我是傳統的中型機程序員,PC技術我缺乏的東西太多:ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, XSLT, XML, C#,SQL…… 更不用說NETWORKING。現在這個工程還包括該係統(就是公司購買來的專門係統)特殊的內部成分和架構,連PC程序員都在那裏大眼瞪小眼。這一切對我都陌生,都要從頭學。除了技術薄弱,心理壓力也大,因為我不想拖人家後腿,更不想讓人看笑話。其他幾位一同做該工程的同事都是正宗的PC程序員,隻有我一個是IBM “派”。
雖然開店那會兒他爸曾笑我“見錢眼開”,我還是給他打電話告訴他加薪的事。孩子很快上大學,別說,這薪還有點及時細雨的意思 ……
來源: xyxb 於 2011-06-04 17:51:31
1) Is "exceed expectations" the top rating in your company's performance appraisal system? (You wrote "exceed requirement(s)", which may be read as the same as "exceed expectations," a more commonly-used rating in performance appraisal.) Some systems have another rating above "exceed expectations" (e.g., "outstanding"), others don't.
2) It is often a bit lonely at the top. And it invariably takes a great effort to stay there.
3) There are always greater heights to scale. All of us here will be rooting for you. Please keep sharing your uplifting stories, which not only are truly inspiring and, but also provide a much-needed breath of fresh air on this sometimes work ethics-challenged forum.
我們都這麽說。 因為在ibm 中型機那裏是沒有那些東東的。