
種地2 --韭菜

(2007-04-10 06:29:39) 下一個

1。春韭剛出--about 1.5 inch

2. 土是非常重要的--look my soil closely,

3. 鬆土是不可少的-- after watering, the soil becomes quiet hard even I have relatively good soil. So scrifying the soil is the work you have to do. I use this tool.

4. 不小了--it is time for harvest. I have total 9 rows, only 3 rows I cut each time. This way I can have it every week. I got about 1lb at very first time(middle of May), and 2 to 3lbs starting from middle of July.

5. 壯年期--

6.過冬--sorry I have no picture for this process. I use 2 bags of manure to cover the entire bed in early of Dec. The manure will keep the root warm and have a lot of nutrition for the next year.

It is not difficult, right?

天啦! 家裏已經有人說我不霧正業了,I have to do something now.....Later!
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閱讀 ()評論 (12)
立言10 回複 悄悄話 就是因為看到了你的“種菜”今天才在文學城注冊的。
立言10 回複 悄悄話 羨慕死了,我是年年種,連種5年了,要不就不出苗,即是出來的幾個還沒長大就死了,是不是土的問題?請教了。
立言10 回複 悄悄話 羨慕死了。我是年年種,要不不出來,要不就是剛出芽就死了,是不是土的問題。
marilynxue 回複 悄悄話 我也種韭菜,倒是都活著,都兩年了,還稀稀拉拉孱弱地不成氣候。歎氣啊。