
踏如歌行板,看歲月匆匆... 七月煙火


(2006-05-27 11:34:39) 下一個


“快點,寶貝,買完菜我還想去理發,你 4 點還有遊泳課,遊完泳媽媽還要回去做飯,今天很忙,你走快點。”我心裏算著自己的時間表。

“ hi, don’t be too hard mommy, listen to me. You can get hair cut anytime, today is my last lesson for swimming class, and you know I already passed; we go to swimming class just for fun today, why we skip the class and go to the park instead” 女兒說

“ 中午飯怎麽辦?“我說

“ we can have pizza in the park, we can feed the duck by the left over.” 女兒說


“ come on, he is old enough for his own meal.” 女兒說


“ just pieces of tofu ? now relax is more important to you, I think you work too hard, and always in the hurry. Please give yourself a break.” 女兒說

那天下午我和女兒坐在公園的池塘邊,用 pizza 喂鴨子,終於過了一個悠閑的周六,原來享受生活很簡單。晚上回家,我還是用油把那塊豆腐煎了後又放回冰箱,我想我還是中國人,不能完全的視浪費而不見。


“ I love you, mommy! Welcome board May Flower. It’s a space ship.” 女兒興高采烈的說


“ oops, Sorry for the mess , 女兒用手指指她的電子寵物和她自己。

“ claim down, mommy. Let kids be a kids, we only have one time to be a kids in our life, right? ” 女兒說


“ let kids be a kids, where is that come from? ” 我問

“ what? ”

“ that, “

“ from book.” 女兒笑得有些狡猾,我開始在女兒麵前受教了。


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順妞妞 回複 悄悄話 多可愛的丫頭啊!
Unohu 回複 悄悄話 good writing though.
Unohu 回複 悄悄話 your English really need major improvement. Why don't you have your daughter proof read before you publish here? or go to an English class since you stay home now.
sympathy1 回複 悄悄話 喜歡你女兒,有主見!