I like to meet some nice friends here to share the life experience! I am happy each day since I consider my work and free time as leisure time. In my free time, I enjoy my favorite songs, which always make me very happy. But, I am still busy for my work each day without free time (I guess that the God just want me to work more than others since I like to work anyway), meanwhile I have no time for my personal hobbies. What a sweetlife! My email: sweetlifeusa@yahoo.com
知音 人生夢想癡心遇, 千古紅顏最難尋。 一曲知音衣滿淚, 兩杯苦酒醉相吟。 等待 悲歌長夜恨, 孤曲夢殘憐。 燈燭歎幹淚, 琴箏怨斷弦。 渴望 苦澀的渴望, 是風中的惆悵。 孤寂的長夜, 是無奈的憂傷。 夢醒的淚水,是枕邊的淒涼。
網絡感言: ...
(千尋): 古老的江湖傳奇: 甜蜜生活英雄救美的壯舉,星光閃爍, 皓月當空,孤獨一人唱著獨角戲闖蕩江湖也甜蜜............ 襄陽城裏,桃花島美女,靖哥哥論劍一生有意義... 襄陽城外,華箏公主蒙古包裏暗暗哭泣... 愛琴海淹死了多少癡男怨女...
網絡警言: How to control my time on surfing the internet 如何控製上網時間: 每天上網兩小時:隻是查看郵件和新聞。 周末如有時間,作貼,閱覽網友或網上文章。 友情建議不超過四小時。 It is easy to spend a lot of time on surfing the Internet now, since there are so many interesting stuff. We are living in a happy world with the internet each day: we need to check mails, watch news, listen to our favorite music, read some fine articles, and many other activities. Many friends don't know how to handle it. Here is what I am doing now, and hope this can help some friends (only to those whose have around one hour available on surfing online, but for those who have a lot time just neglect this): 1. Spend one hour online surfing the Internet for reading news and checking mails "only" each day. 2. Reading or posting articles or music on "weekend" only if I have time. I feel that it takes a lot time to read sometimes and I love to leave comments on those great writers! 3. Read the article quickly and make short comments like: Great, Super, Nice, Good, and Interesting ect.
4. Read those articles which place on the top of each site or forum, and also read those articles place on the best selected area ( 精華區 ). By doing this, you can save of lot of your time.