謝謝你昨天的留言。I do have fibroids but I did not mention it on purpose. You very smart. My doctor said fibroids do not cause any pain because they do not have any nerves. It that statement true? I alos a have ovary cyst ( clear fluid). My doctor said only the bloody one are dangerous.
I took pain medicine for now. Thanks again.
-迷茫無助- 留言於:2007-01-04 04:12:28
謝謝你昨天的留言。請問你是相關專科的醫生嗎? 怎麽可以這麽肯定沒有其他的傳染途徑? 據我所知,大多數性病除了性接觸,母嬰之外,也有可能通過公共場所傳染。請求進一步的解答。謝謝!
好危險啊! 你爸媽怎麽把你放這兒了! ! 去告他們!!!
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