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筆名: 醉裏吳音
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-DaBoys- -喜喜哈哈-
DaBoys 喜喜哈哈
醉裏吳音的留言薄 (最近5條留言)
-新聞聯播- 留言於:2007-04-05 15:52:36
what is your email? Could you please take a look at my resume? I am new graduate in accounting.
-xa2046- 留言於:2007-03-03 21:21:02
hi, i have been looking for job for 5 monthes, very desperate, could u help me to review my resume little bit thanks so much, my email is zzg_cn@hotmail.com
-dawnli03- 留言於:2007-03-03 19:35:25
請教美國老土和各位大俠: 我在加拿大, 上星期, 得到兩個OFFER, 一個是’’BIG FOUR ACCOUNTING FIRM’’ 的 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN’’的職位, 一個是一個大公司的‘ASSISTANT CONTROLLER’’的職務, 工資, 福利, 後者都高於前者, 我在考慮不是很成熟的情況下, 據絕了第二個, 現在經過一個WEEKEND 的考慮, 又希望拿第二個, 我想下個星期一就給那個CONTROLLER 打電話, 隻是不知道這樣會不會給那個CONTROLLER 很不好的印象, 大家可不可以告訴我應該怎麽說會好些, 如果還有機會的話。 拜托, 幫幫我。
-dragonlinkage- 留言於:2006-10-18 23:17:41
Dear Friend, We are three Chinese MBA students at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. In this summer, we successfully launched www.dragonlinkage.com. It is a social networking website dedicated to promote social connections among Chinese students and professionals overseas. Our website has already gained extensive exposure from Chinese domestic media. Please refer to the following links. Yahoo!:http://cn.tech.yahoo.com/060824/555/2oafo.html SINA:http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/b/20060823/1404878287.shtml SOHU:http://it.sohu.com/20060823/n244954587.shtml It has many cool features and functions to help you enlarge your social network. As a Chinese, we know that it is always better-off to have more Guanxi (connections). It is not just about more profits, but also more fun, more convenience, and more supports. Here is what the website offers. After you register, you maintain lists of contacts of people you know and trust in life or business. Your contact lists form a socoial network. In www.dragonlinkage.com, your network consists of your direct connections, your connections’ connections (called 2nd degree connections), connections of 2nd degree connections (called 3rd degree connections), and connections of 3rd degree connections (called 4th degree connections). Such network can be extremely helpful in searching jobs, making new friends, organizing events, or seeking fun. In a word, leveraging www.dragonlinkage.com, you will have trenmendous chance to expand your social networks and thus enhance your life experience. Thank you very much for your precious time. We wish you register in our website and play with it. Please feel free to let me know if you have any concerns or suggestions. Sincerely, Management Team, Dragonlinkage North America
-qixia66- 留言於:2006-03-05 05:00:26
Hi,Sir/Madam, I arrived in Canada for 5 years and still do some labor work.Iam thinking to learn Accounting,but hesited. Could you help me analyze the situation and give some advices? Academica Background: Bachelor of Economics,1986- 1990, Heilongjiang Commerial Institute Experiece of work: Heilongjiang Provicial Governemnt, Economic System Restructure Committee. 1990-2001 I appreciate your advices. Email:qiyang954@hotmail.com Qi
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