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  Thou art the sky and thou art the nest as well。


  O thou beautiful,there in the nest is thy love that encloses the soul withcolours and sounds and odours。


  There comes the morning with the golden basket in her right hand bearingthe wreath of beauty,silently to crown the earth。


  And there comes the evening over the lonely meadows deserted by herds,through trackless paths,carrying cool draughts of peace in her golden pitcher from the western ocean of rest。


  But there,where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in,reigns the stainless white radiance。There is no day nor night,nor form nor colour,and never,never a word。



  Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched andstands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of mytears and sighs and songs。


  With fond delight thou wrappest about thy starry breast that mantle of mistycloud,turning it into numberless shapes and folds and colouring it with huesever-changing。


  It is so light and so fleeting,tender and tearful and dark,that is why thou lovest it,O thou spotless and serene。And that is why it may cover thy awful white light with its pathetic shadows。



  The same stream of life that runs through my veins 232 night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures。


  It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth innumberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leavesand flowers。


  It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death,inebb and in flow。


  I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life。


  And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my bloodthis moment。



  Is it beyond thee to be glad with the gladness of this rhythm?to be tossedand lost and broken in the whirl of this fearful joy?


  All things rush on,they stop not,they look not behind,no power can hold them back,they rush on。


  Keeping steps with that restless,rapid music,seasons come dancing and pass away-colours,tunes,and perfumes pour in endless cascades in the abounding joy that scatters and gives up and dies every moment。樂起舞,來了又去-顏色、音律和香味在這滿溢的快樂中,匯聚成奔騰不息的河流,每時每刻都在散濺、退落和死亡。


  That I should make much of myself and turn it on all sides,thus castingcoloured shadows on thy radiance-such is thy maya。在你的光輝中-這就是你的幻境。

  Thou settest a barrier in thine own being and then callest thy severed self inmyriad notes。This thy self-separation has taken body in me。


  The poignant song is echoed through all the sky in many-coloured tearsand smiles,alarms and hopes;waves rise up and sink again,dreams break andform。In me is thy own defeat of self。


  This screen that thou hast raised is painted with innumerable figures withthe brush of the night and the day。Behind it thy seat is woven in wondrousmysteries of curves,casting away all barren lines of straightness。


  The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky。With the tune ofthee and me all the air is vibrant,and all ages pass with the hiding and seekingof thee and me。



  He it is,the innermost one,who awakens my being with his deep hidden touches。


  He it is who puts his enchantment upon these eyes and joyfully plays on the chords of my heart in varied cadence of pleasureand pain。


  He it is who weaves the web of this in evanescent hues of gold and silver,blue and green,and lets peep out through the folds his feet,at whose touch Iforget myself。


  Days come and ages pass,and it is ever he who moves my heart in many aname,in many a guise,in many a rapture of joy and of sorrow。



  Deliverance is not for me in renunciation。I feel the embrace of freedom in athousand bonds of delight。


  Thou ever pourest for me the fresh draught of thy wine of various colours and fragrance,filling this earthen vessel to the brim。


  My world will light its hundred different lamps with thy flame and place them before the altar of thy temple。


  No,I will never shut the doors of my senses。The delights of sight andhearing and touch will bear thy delight。


  Yes,all my illusions will burn into illumination of joy,and all my desires ripeninto fruits of love。



  The day is no more,the shadow is upon the earth。It is time that I go to thestream to fill my pitcher。


  The evening air is eager with the sad music of the water。Ah,it calls me outinto the dusk。In the lonely lane there is no passer-by,the wind is up,the ripplesare rampant in the river。


  I know not if I shall come back home。I know not whom I shall chance tomeet。There at the fording in the little boat the unknown man plays upon his lute。



  Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs and yet run back to theeundiminished。


  The river has its everyday work to do and hastens through fields andhamlets;yet its incessant stream winds towards the washing of thy feet。


  The flower sweetens the air with its perfume;yet its last service is to offeritself to thee。


  Thy worship does not impoverish the world。


  From the words of the poet men take what meanings please them;yet theirlast meaning points to thee。



  Day after day,O lord of my life,shall I stand before thee face to face。


  With folded hands,O lord of all worlds,shall I stand before thee face to face。


  Under thy great sky in solitude and silence,with humble heart shall I standbefore thee face to face。


  In this laborious world of thine,tumultuous with toil and with struggle,among hurrying crowds shall I stand before thee face to face。


  And when my work shall be done in this world,O King of kings,alone and speechless shall I stand before thee face to face。

  當我完成了世俗的工作,啊,萬王之王,我能夠獨自一人,悄 然與你對麵而立嗎?


  I know thee as my God and stand apart-I do not know thee as my own and come closer。I know thee as my father and bow before 我知道你是我的上帝,但卻遠在一旁-我不知道你屬於我,就接近你。thy feet-I do not grasp thy hand as my friend’s。


  I stand not where thou comest down and ownest thyself as mine,there toclasp thee to my heart and take thee as my comrade。


  Thou art the Brother amongst my brothers,but I heed them not,I divide notmy earnings with them,thus sharing my all with thee。


  In pleasure and in pain I stand not by the side of men,and thus stand by thee。I shrink to give up my life,and thus do not plunge into the great waters of life。



  When the creation was new and all the stars shone in their first splendour,the gods held their assembly in the sky and sang“Oh,the picture of perfection!the joy unalloyed!”


  But one cried of a sudden-“It seems that somewhere there is a break in the chain of light and one of the stars has been lost。”一位叫道-“光鏈好像斷了一處,一顆星星迷 失了。”

  The golden string of their harp snapped,their song stopped,and they cried in dismay-“Yes,that lost star was the best,she was the glory of all heavens!”

  他們驚愕叫道-“是的,迷失的星星是最他們的豎琴突然斷了,歌聲戛然而止, 好的,她是諸天的榮耀!”

  From that day the search is unceasing for her,and the cry goes on from one to the other that in her the world has lost itsone joy!


  Only in the deepest silence of night the stars smile and whisper amongthemselves-最“Vain is this seeking!unbroken perfection is over all!”,無缺的完美籠罩了一切!”


  If it is not my portion to meet thee in this life then let me ever feel that I havemissed thy sight-let me not forget for a moment,let me carry the pangs of thissorrow in my drea緣ms and in my wakeful hours。-讓我念念不忘,讓我在夢裏夢外都帶著這悲痛。

  As my days pass in the crowded market of this world and my hands growfull with the daily profits,let me ever feel that I have gained nothing-let me notforget for a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and inmy wakeful hours。

  到一無所獲-讓我念念不忘,讓我在夢裏夢外都帶著這悲痛。當我的歲月在這世間的鬧市逝去,我手捧每日的盈利的時候,讓我永遠感 When I sit by the roadside,tired and panting,when I spread my bed low in the dust,let me ever feel that the long journey is still before me-let me not forget a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and in my wakeful hours。


  床鋪時,讓我永遠感到漫漫長路還在我麵前鋪開-當我坐在路邊,疲憊喘息時,當我在塵土中鋪置 讓我念念不忘,讓我在夢裏夢外都帶著這悲痛。

  When my rooms have been decked out and the flutes sound and the laughter there is loud,let me ever feel that I have not invited thee to my house-let me not forget for a moment,let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and in my wakeful hours。

  請你光臨-讓我念念不忘,讓我在夢裏夢外都帶著這悲痛。當我的屋子裝飾完畢,我吹起笛子,放聲大笑,讓我永遠感到我還未邀 80 I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky,O mysun ever-glorious!Thy touch has not yet melted my vapour,making me one withthy light,and thus I count months and years separated from thee。


  If this be thy wish and if this be thy play,then take this fleeting emptinessof mine,paint it with colours,gild it with gold,float it on the wanton wind andspread it in varied wonders。


  And again when it shall be thy wish to end this play at night,I shall meltand vanish away in the dark,or it may be in a smile of the white morning,in acoolness of purity transparent。



  On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time。But it is never lost,my lord。Thou hast taken every moment of my life in thine own hands。


  Hidden in the heart of things thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts,buds into blossoms,and ripening flowers into fruitfulness。


  I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed and imagined all work had ceased。In the morning I woke up and found my garden full with wonders of flowers。



  Time is endless in thy hands,my lord。There is none to count thy minutes。


  Days and nights pass and ages bloom and fade like flowers。Thou knowesthow to wait。


  Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower。


  We have no time to lose,and having no time we must scramble for achances。We are too poor to be late。


  And thus it is that time goes by while I give it to every querulous man whoclaims it,and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last。


  At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate to be shut;but I find thatyet there is time。



  Mother,I shall weave a chain of pearls for thy neck with my tears of sorrow。


  The stars have wrought their anklets of light to deck thy feet,but mine willhang upon thy breast。


  Wealth and fame come from thee and it is for thee to give or to withhold them。But this my sorrow is absolutely mine own,and when I bring it to thee as my offering thou rewardest me with thy grace。



  It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinite sky。


  It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all nights from star to star and becomes lyric among rustling leaves in rainy darkness of July。


  It is this overspreading pain that deepens into loves and desires,intosufferings and joy in human homes;and this it is that ever melts and flows insongs through my poet’s heart。



  When the warriors came out first from their master’s hall,where had theyhid their power?Where were their armour and their arms?


  They looked poor and helpless,and the arrows were showered upon them on the day they came out from their master’s hall。


  When the warriors marched back again to their master’s hall where didthey hide their power?


  They had dropped the sword and dropped the bow and the arrow;peacewas on their foreheads,and they had left the fruits of their life behind them on theday they marched back again to their master’s hall。



  Death,thy servant,is at my door。He has crossed the unknown sea and brought thy call to my home。


  The night is dark and my heart is fearful-yet I will take up the lamp, open my gates and bow to him my welcome。It is thy messenger who stands at my door。重,我的心充滿恐懼-但我要掌燈開門,向他鞠躬表示歡迎。


  I will worship him placing at his feet the treasure of my heart。


  He will go back with his errand done,leaving a dark shadow on mymorning;and in my desolate home only my forlorn self will remain as my lastoffering to thee。



  In desperate hope I go and search for her in all the corners of my room;Ifind her not。


  My house is small and what once has gone from it can never be regained。


  But infinite is thy mansion,my lord,and seeking her I have to come tothy door。


  I stand under the golden canopy of thine evening sky and I lift my eagereyes to thy face。


  I have come to the brink of eternity from which nothing can vanish-nohope,no happiness,no vision of a face seen through tears。沒有幸福,也沒有透過眼淚望見的臉。

  Oh,dip my emptied life into that ocean,plunge it into the deepest fullness。Let me for once feel that lost sweet touch in the allness of the universe。



  Deity of the ruined temple!The broken strings of Vina sing no more yourpraise。The bells in the evening proclaim not your time of worship。The air is stilland silent about you。


  In your desolate dwelling comes the vagrant spring breeze。It brings thetidings of flowers-the flo荒wers that for your worship are offered no more。膜拜你的花朵,已無人為你呈現。

  Your worshipper of old wanders ever longing for favour still refused。In the eventide,when fires and shadows mingle with the gloom of dust,he wearilycomes back to the ruined temple with hunger in his heart。


  Many a festival day comes to you in silence,deity of the ruined temple。Many a night of worship goes away with lamp unlit。


  Many new images are built by masters of cunning art and carried to the holystream of oblivion when their time is come。


  Only the deity of the ruined temple remains unworshipped indeathless neglect。



  No more noisy,loud words from me-such is my master’s will。Henceforth I deal in whispers。The speech of my heart will be carried on inmurmurings of a song。這是我主的旨意。從那時起,我便低聲私語。我用歌聲低唱出我的心裏話。

  Men hasten to the King’s market。All the buyers and sellers are there。But I have my untimely leave in the middle of the day,in the thick of work。


  Let then the flowers come out in my garden,though it is not their time;and let the midday bees strike up their lazy hum。


  Full many an hour have I spent in the strife of the good and theevil,but now it is the pleasure of my playmate of the empty days to draw my hearton to him;and I know not why is this sudden call to what useless inconsequence!



  On the day when death will knock at thy door what wilt thou offer to him?


  Oh,I will set before my guest the full vessel of my life-I will never let him gowith empty hands。的客人麵前,擺上我斟滿的生命之杯-我決不讓他空手而歸。

  All the sweet vintage of all my autumn days and summer nights,all theearnings and gleanings of my busy life will I place before him at the close of mydays when death will knock at my door。



  O thou the last fulfilment of life,death,my death,come and whisper to me!


  Day after day I have kept watch for thee;for thee have I borne the joys andpangs of life。


  All that I am,that I have,that I hope and all my love have everflowed towards thee in depth of secrecy。One final glance from thine eyesand my life will be ever thine own。

  我所有的一切,一切所有,一切願望和一切的愛,總在幽深的秘密中奔流向你。你看我的最後眼神,我的生命將永 遠都屬於你。

  The flowers have been woven and the garland is ready for the bridegroom。After the wedding the bride shall leave her home and meet her lord alone in the solitude of night。



  I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost,andlife will take its leave in silence,drawing the last curtain over my eyes。


  Yet stars will watch at night,and morning rise as before,and hours heave like sea waves casting up pleasures and pains。

  然而星辰將在夜中守望,晨曦仍會升起,時光像翻騰的波濤, 激蕩這樂與痛。

  When I think of this end of my moments,the barrier of the moments breaks and I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures。Rare is its lowliest seat,rare is its meanest of lives。


  Things that I longed for in vain and things that I got-let them pass。Let me but truly possess the things that I ever spurned and overlooked。



  I have got my leave。Bid me farewell,my brothers!I bow to you all and takemy departure。


  Here I give back the keys of my door-and I give up all claims to my house。Ionly ask for last kind words from you。


  We were neighbours for long,but I received more than I could give。Nowthe day has dawned and the lamp that lit my dark corner is out。A summons hascome and I am ready for my journey。



  At this time of my parting,wish me good luck,my friends!The sky is flushedwith the dawn and my path lies beautiful。


  Ask not what I have with me to take there。

  I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart。


  I shall put on my wedding garland。Mine is not the red-brown dress of the traveller,and though there aredangers on the way I have no fear in mind。


  The evening star will come out when my voyage is done and the plaintivenotes of the twilight melodies be struck up from the King’s gateway。



  I was not aware of the moment when I first crossed the threshold of this life。


  What was the power that made me open out into this vast mystery like abud in the forest at midnight!


  When in the morning I looked upon the light I felt in a moment that I was nostranger in this world,that the inscrutable without name and form had taken mein its arms in the form of my own mother。


  Even so,in death the same unknown will appear as ever known to me。Andbecause I love this life,I know I shall love death as well。


  The child cries out when from the right breast the mother takes it away,inthe very next moment to find in the left one its consolation。



  When I go from hence let this be my parting word,that what I have seen is unsurpassable。


  I have tasted of the hidden honey of this lotus that expands on the ocean of light,and thus am I blessed-let this be my parting word。


  In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play and here have I caughtsight of him that is formless。


  My whole body and my limbs have thrilled with his touch who is beyondtouch;and if the end comes here,let it come-let this be my parting word。吧-讓我用這個作為道別吧。我的全身在他那無從接觸的撫摸下震顫。假如死亡此刻來臨,就讓它來 97 When my play was with thee I never questioned who thou wert。I knew norshyness nor fear,my life was



  In the early morning thou wouldst call me from my sleep like my owncomrade and lead me running from glade to glade。


  On those days I never cared to know the meaning of songs thou sangest tome。Only my voice took up the tunes,and my heart danced in their cadence。


  Now,when the playtime is over,what is this sudden sight that is come uponme?The world with eyes bent upon thy feet stands in awe with all its silent stars。



  I will deck thee with trophies,garlands of my defeat。It is never in my powerto escape unconquered。



  I surely know my pride will go to the wall,my life will burst its bonds in exceeding pain,and my empty heart will sob out in music like a hollow reed, and the stone will melt in tears。


  I surely know the hundred petals of a lotus will not remain closed for ever and the secret recess of its honey will be bared。


  From the blue sky an eye shall gaze upon me and summon me in silence。Nothing will be left for me,nothing whatever,and utter death shall I receive atthy feet。



  When I give up the helm I know that the time has come for thee to take it。What there is to do will be instantly done。Vain is this struggle。


  Then take away your hands and silently put up with your defeat,my heart,and think it your good fortune to sit perfectly still where you are placed。


  These my lamps are blown out at every little puff of wind,and trying to lightthem I forget all else again and again。


  But I shall be wise this time and wait in the dark,spreading my mat on the floor;and whenever it is thy pleasure,my lord,come silently and take thyseat here。



  I dive down into the depth of the ocean of forms,hoping to gain the perfectpearl of the formless。


  No more sailing from harbour to harbour with this my weather-beaten boat。The days are long passed when my sport was to be tossed on waves。


  And now I am eager to die into the deathless。Into the audience hall by thefathomless abyss where swells up the music of toneless strings I shall take thisharp of my life。


  I shall tune it to the notes of forever,and when it has sobbed out its lastutterance,lay down my silent harp at the feet of the silent。



  Ever in my life have I sought thee with my songs。It was they who led mefrom door to door,and with them have I felt about me,searching and touchingmy world。


  It was my songs that taught me all the lessons I ever learnt;they showedme secret paths,they brought before my sight many a star on the horizon ofmy heart。


  They guided me all the day long to the mysteries of the country of pleasure and pain,and,at last,to what palace gate have the brought me in the evening at the end of my journey?



  I boasted among men that I had known thee。They see thy pictures in all works of 262 mine。They come and ask me,“Who is he?”I know not how to answer them。I say,“Indeed,I cannot tell。”They blame me and they go away in scorn。Andthou sit there smiling。


  I put my tales of thee into lasting songs。The secret gushes out from myheart。They come and ask me,“Tell me all thy meanings。”I know not how toanswer them。I say,“Ah,who knows what they mean!”They smile and goaway in utter scorn。And you sit there smiling。



  In one salutation to thee,my God,let all my senses spread out and touchthis world at thy feet。


  Like a rain-cloud of July hung low with its burden of unshed showers let allmy mind bend down at thy door in one salutation to thee。


  Let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single currentand flow to a sea of silence in one salutation to thee。


  Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountainnests let all my life take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee。



