A Brief In troduction to the County of Fengdu
Situated in the heart land of the Three Go rges ReservoirAr eaand the Ecenter of Chong qing,Fengdu County enjoy san advant ageous locationN(Gb etween107°28′3″and108°12′37″east long itude,29°33′18″and30°)D16′25″north latitude byt′3″an d108°12′37″east long itude,29°33′18″and30°16′25″north latitude)by the hubofim portant water ways of the Yang tze,which has USh izhuCo untyon theeast,Fu ling Di stricton thewest,Wu long count yand Pe ngshuiCo untyon the southand Di an jiang Co untyand Zh ongxianCo untyonthe north。
St retching from northwest tosou theast,Fe ngduex tends 87km from northto south,54km fromwest toeast。To wering and grotes quemoun tains,suchas the Qi yaoMo untainand the Fa ngdouMo untain on the southern bank oft heYa ngtzeRi ver,and Ji angjiaMo untainand Huang cao Mo untain on the northern,extend kilome tersalla long,contri buting tothed is tinctto pography inFe ngdu。Wi ththeYa ngtzeRi ver running4 7kma cross the county,Fe ngduis172km distant from the princi palur ban area ofChong qing by water way,and150km on and。Co vering anarea of 172km,2 withtotal popula tion of 810,000,Fe ngduCo untyin cludes 3 1t own ships,27 com munities,and 327 villages。Fe ngdu has abuilt-uparea of 9kmin which 120,000 resident sare populated,and it is an mportant 2
his toric site,afre quente dtouri smdest ination,aNa tionalPi lotCo untyforEc ological De monstration Co nstruction,aswell as one ofthe first counties that were open toout side。Fe ngduboatsri chnatural resources。Th ereareover 20 type sof verifiedmi neralre serves,6 billionm 3 of exploitabl enatura lgasre serve,1billiont on so fgrey rock used forcement,5.686 milliontons oftroili tereserve,1.34millionton so fbauxite
reserve,and resource fulre serve so fmarble,barite,pyrite,quart zsand stone to beexploited;thecount yalsoen joys3.1billionm3 of water resources(exc luding the water from the YangtzeRi ver;forest coversan)areaofso me 1,38 0km,with a for est cover age of38.04%,and two for est 2park(Sh uanggui shan Fo res tPar kand ShipingFo restPa rk)lie within the county;over 1,500 types o fplants and up 30 0 kind so fanimal sare found in this county。Fe ngduisal soabun dantinag ricul tural products,suchas bamboo mats,shad docks,oranges,rice,Ji aotou(allium chinense,)fermented bean curd,and spicychi ckendice with local flavor,which find good sal eboth home and over seas。
§§一、植根遠古 奔向未來