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清平樂 別父

掩鼻流涕, 真暖還冬季。
問過東風情難寄, 父子神情誰遞?
相隔何止大海, 更是彼此牽腸。

在悲痛憂傷之時, 我們希望繼續慶祝父親的一生,並實現他生前的夙願。父親一直與讀者頻頻互動, 用風趣、睿智的語言, 與他們在精神層麵上交流, 不僅增進相互理解, 而且共同傳播真誠、友善、及美好的理念。當我們籌劃弘揚父親榮光的具體方案時, 首先衷心感恩所有讀者和朋友們的深情厚愛和緬懷留言,我們正在籌劃“潤濤閻項目”基金會的具體計劃,會建立在大家的建議基礎上,希望得到大家各方麵的大力支持!  懇切希望能繼續有大家一起攜手並肩,  陸續推出完善係列計劃,逐步實現父親的遺願。我們正在籌劃工作中,下周會推出一些實施的具體計劃。

From Run Tao’s daughters

On the 3rd 7th day of our beloved dad’s passing, we wanted to share some special moments with his fellow readers and friends.

It is impossible to write down all that we are feeling, processing, and remembering during this time. So instead, we will rely on pictures, poems and songs to convey what is in our hearts.

When we were going through Dad’s documents, we found this poem he had written after his own father passed away. Dad’s beautiful words are hauntingly perfect and bind our three generations together.

Farewell, father

Tears running ceaselessly,
While the warmth gives way to winter coldness.
The wind from the east brings seasonal greetings,
but cannot carry all the sentimental feelings that bond two generations.
It takes pain to utter a farewell,
as the tears already ran down even before a single word was articulated.
Although we are separated by the ocean,
we are still bound together by never-ending connections.

As our family continues to grieve and celebrate Dad’s life, we are exploring how we can honor him and make his wishes come true. Dad always wanted to reach readers, to spread understanding, compassion, love and celebrate each other – with laughter, wit, and sage advice. As we develop the plans for his lasting legacy, we wanted to thank you all, his readers and friends, in sharing your memories and love for our beloved Dad, and for all the great suggestions in continuing to honor him.  We are grateful and are weaving some of the ideas in our plan to carry on our Dad’s legacy, with more detailed to come next week.  

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閱讀 ()評論 (38)
黑堡閻粉 回複 悄悄話 回複 '亞特蘭大筆會' 的評論 : 多謝您的關注和建議。網友們的建議我們一直在收集整理並即時與家人溝通、商議。近日(幾天之內)會發布具體計劃和實施方案。敬請關注runtaoyan.org的首發。
東田楓葉 回複 悄悄話 佩服、悼念!
亞特蘭大筆會 回複 悄悄話 宵枚:希望在黑堡和閻先生去世的地方,都有華人可以憑吊的地方。可以是中餐館。他們的盈利可以支持基金會做與北美華人文化有關的事,

Dalidali 回複 悄悄話 謝謝紀念閻先生!
歎:”先生千秋萬歲後, 再有疑問去找誰“?
有鹿的地方 回複 悄悄話 每次看到有個關閻先生的消息,還是感覺悲傷,惋惜,為一個從未見過麵的網友。何況他的家人。支持他的家人朋友建立基金的計劃。
WIPO1967 回複 悄悄話 Deepest condolences to Dr. Yan's family. Will definitely support the memorial fund. Looking forward to hearing more about it.
randomspot 回複 悄悄話 Looking forward to seeing the great work out of this. Thank you!!
Arnold2 回複 悄悄話 回複 'smithmaella' 的評論 : +1
ycon 回複 悄悄話 有書真富貴,無事小神仙
Susannals 回複 悄悄話 還是覺得不真實...閻先生RIP。
Susannals 回複 悄悄話 還是覺得不真實...卩閻先生RIP。
bl20120 回複 悄悄話 做人當如閻潤濤
24橋 回複 悄悄話 老閻寫得是什麽字體?還挺好看的,很娟秀。
SharonXu徐 回複 悄悄話 閻先生的去世是海外華人的重大損失。
老田321 回複 悄悄話 父母優秀,孩子也一定很優秀。
Zucker 回複 悄悄話 期待“潤濤閻項目”基金會具體計劃,節哀順變!
金米 回複 悄悄話 潤濤閻才華橫溢,智慧超群,風趣善良。他的文字永存在海外華人的記憶中。
elmonte 回複 悄悄話 流淚......
林海平兔 回複 悄悄話
林下閑人 回複 悄悄話 Both Chinese and English are so elegant and touching!
yingjia 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for sharing.
高村 回複 悄悄話 老閻真才子也!
竹林熊貓 回複 悄悄話 一個智慧超群,有趣的人, 一個堅持善良, 求真理的人! 世間的事, 看透了, 還講透了, 功德無量!願天堂安息!!
Chang_Ke 回複 悄悄話 老閻洞察世事,學貫中西,驟然鶴去,華人同悲!
在水四方 回複 悄悄話 感動。昨晚夢見閻先生了。考場,閻先生幾分鍾答完走了。我去晚了,就看到空座位。。
東湖綠道 回複 悄悄話 淚奔?。還在等美國大選後的續篇,可是再沒有了!
smithmaella 回複 悄悄話 還是不相信閆先生已經遠行不歸,悲痛!以往每日都企盼城頭掛上閆作,今天明天後天也不會再現了。人說的耒日方長,其實來曰並不方長。希冀讀到閆先生女兒的續篇。
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 詩句動人!兩個女兒很幸運,父親的愛能夠溫暖女兒一生。
locke 回複 悄悄話 第二句看似, 真暖還寒季. 也許應該是, 乍暖還寒季.
遠方道友 回複 悄悄話 好人,好女,好家庭!
zhuniang 回複 悄悄話 Very touching!
niw2000 回複 悄悄話 願閻博士天堂安息,家人節哀順變!
moba0714 回複 悄悄話 the sketch is also very catching and nice
moba0714 回複 悄悄話 rest in peace
moba0714 回複 悄悄話 the translation of the poem is incredibly elegant
moba0714 回複 悄悄話 Farewell, father

Tears running ceaselessly,
While the warmth gives way to winter coldness.
The wind from the east brings seasonal greetings,
but cannot carry all the sentimental feelings that bond two generations.
It takes pain to utter a farewell,
as the tears already ran down even before a single word was articulated.
Although we are separated by the ocean,
we are still bound together by never-ending connections.
FollowNature 回複 悄悄話 願閻博士的家人節哀順變。願閻博士安息。
byatl 回複 悄悄話 So touched...