山水蒼茫 2025-01-31 09:56:15
乙巳新春和相看兄再用前韻 千年教化百年身,歲月蹉跎又一春。 相看敬亭山不厭,漫遊河洛水怡神。 謫仙痛飲胡姬酒,老杜頻隨肥馬塵。 濡墨寒窗君莫笑,儒冠早誤讀書人。
[ 閱讀全文 ]秦照 2025-01-31 14:50:08
七律 春雨南梅夜雨一枝空,為探飛花入草叢。足跡難和芒履印,心頭已染杏腮紅。吹開春氣撫春水,笑對遠方臨遠風。忽感眉邊清露滴,幾聲早燕掠驚鴻。秦照於2025/1/31。春雨有記。
[ 閱讀全文 ]7grizzly 2025-01-31 10:35:46
Unlike many, I record painful experiences as they tend to teach better and by narrating suffering, I hope to understand better. I have turned my attention from the glossy to the matte side of life, and leave the th...
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