娃: I got an appointment (是和psychiatrist的)
媽: Great!! Do you mind I also join and listen?
娃: Can you? xxth, Xpm
媽: I think I can join as long as you forward me the meeting link, time is fine.
娃: Do you have questions?
媽: 不知你的狀況是什麽程度,需不需要休學一年調整一下?或減少一些課程減輕壓力?
娃: I might end up dropping a course and going down to 13 credits this semester
娃: I don't want to go on a leave of absence though
媽: 就是說,你的狀況跟壓力有關嗎?還是別的跟壓力不相關的原因?
娃: I guess it is
媽: Dropping a class is good if you can, just go ahead and request it.
娃: It's slightly related to stress, but i think it's more related to weather
媽: you can drop more if you like, make sure start with the amount that you can handle
娃: If i drop more i won't be considered a full time student
媽: Ok
娃: There's just one class that I haven't been going to in a while and it's making me really anxious
媽: 已經開始一個月了,可以drop吧? 盡快跟學校聯係
娃: I think so, I don't think the drop deadline is passed
媽: Great!!
娃: It's not really necessary so I wouldn't mind dropping it
媽: Is that for the minor? Do you want to just focus on one major, instead of double+minor?
娃: I'm already halfway through and I have a lot of time
娃: I'm also pretty ahead in terms of coursework, I count as a junior because I've taken so many credits
媽: Ok, just make sure you don't have too much pressure. You decide. Let us know if anything we can help.
娃: Ok
媽: By the way, there's another website for you to look for therapist, psychologytoday.com,上麵不少你那個城市的
娃: Ok