You Are Lucky

來源: 作舟 2010-11-28 15:39:54 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7523 bytes)
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by 作舟


You are lucky

because you were young

when you realized you

had a dream

You are lucky

because you listened

to the voice inside &

ignored the white noise

You are lucky

because you didn't take

the easy path or follow

the ghosts from the past

You are lucky

because you chose books

over money, the unknown

over repetition

You are lucky

because you suffered too

like the rest of us except

you held on to the dream

You are lucky

because you let life

choose you, not the other

way around

You are lucky

because you know how

to take the waking slow

regardless of memory's burden

You are lucky

because you know why

you are here, but desire

no more than our laughter

in a bright room on an ordinary

day like this . . . .

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    Excellent poetery^^ -Qwertyuioplkjh- 給 Qwertyuioplkjh 發送悄悄話 Qwertyuioplkjh 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2010 postreply 19:53:21

    跟著品味什麽叫lucky:))頂一個 -小得- 給 小得 發送悄悄話 小得 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2010 postreply 20:14:14

    學習什麽叫lucky! -Loveforever1314- 給 Loveforever1314 發送悄悄話 Loveforever1314 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2010 postreply 04:48:08



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