

How to change the default color of the audio tag track?
Sorry, <Audio> in WinJS is an HTML5 control and currently there is no way to style by using CSS. Instead if you need a custom styled audio player, you could implement it by writing JavaScript code, or use some 3rd party library.



城裏, 高山 等幾個網站,顯示是一樣的, 紫色 棕色, 客棧 還是黑色,幾種方法 我都試了,幾個顏色也試了, 仍然, -弓尒- 給 弓尒 發送悄悄話 弓尒 的博客首頁 (365 bytes) () 09/18/2015 postreply 12:11:29

顏色和大小設定完全取決於看帖者所使用的播放器, -10PM- 給 10PM 發送悄悄話 10PM 的博客首頁 (181 bytes) () 09/18/2015 postreply 16:27:13

不盡然, at least for now, -弓尒- 給 弓尒 發送悄悄話 弓尒 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2015 postreply 17:42:41

請用FF和IE看看你的帖,和wisi的帖, -10PM- 給 10PM 發送悄悄話 10PM 的博客首頁 (247 bytes) () 09/18/2015 postreply 18:22:33

chrome, IE, fox, color, size, all the same -弓尒- 給 弓尒 發送悄悄話 弓尒 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2015 postreply 18:43:58
