【單曲欣賞】曼努埃爾·德·法雅-馬特烏 - 鋼琴獨奏《歌/Canción》

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【單曲欣賞】曼努埃爾·德·法雅-馬特烏 - 鋼琴獨奏《歌/Canción》

Manuel de Falla(1876 - 1946) studied music mainly in Madrid and Paris, but he was brought up in Andalucia where from an early age he heard folk song and true flamenco. He was a modest, religious and very meticulous man and overall composed fewer works than many other composers. Such was his search for perfection that later in his life he even tried to get some of his own early works banned from performance! We are lucky that he didn't succeed since some of these works like his "Seven Popular Spanish Songs" were his most Spanish and most exciting compositions.

Canción or "Song" is one of these seven which were completed just as World War One or "The Great War" was enveloping Europe. In fact he fled Paris to return to Madrid where they were completed. The songs are based on traditional poems and tunes and he asks the singer to observe lots of detail in this short song which is very typically Spanish in the way it has a little "message" to the listener - "You did love me - so why not now for goodness sake!"



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穿過塵埃,飛到了上個世紀~ 惟妙惟肖的畫,古典舒緩的琴聲 -沒有期待- 給 沒有期待 發送悄悄話 沒有期待 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/30/2013 postreply 21:26:01
