回複:謝謝你的資訊,這兩天忙著寫帖子, 一直沒回你的短信。

回答: Good pictures. Thank you for the camp site 131.lfu002007-06-01 14:15:47

Q: 你說的這個水源是不是和你在短信裏說的那個, 是同一個?
A: Yes.

Q: 在Small Yosemite 裏?
A: No. Sorry for the confusing. It is not in but over Little Yosemite. It is infact over Cloud Rest(?), the last fork in the trail map you posted.

Q: 那你這次帶了多少水? 我指一個人.
A: For me, total consumption: about 7 bottles, 500ml/bottle.
(1) Start: 3-4 bottles
(2) Top off on the way up: all bottles in the last water source, since water purification pill I used takes time to take effect.
(3) Leave: 1 bottle on the way up to the cable trail, just did not like to carry it up and down all the way.
(4) Refill on the way down: 1-2 bottles.

I think I consumed more water than average. However, if it is hot, like around 33C, than more water is needed.

Q: 還有, 我覺得Mist Trail不是非常難走, 對我來講, 我也沒覺得累, 剩下的那個7-mile的路你覺得比這難, 還是容易?
The trail itself is in very good condition, except these close to the top of Nevada Fall.

Four big hurdles/steep stairs on the way to the top of Half Dome: (A) up to Vernal Falls, (B) up to Nevada Falls, (C) to Top of the bulge right before Half Dome, (D) and the Cable Trail. In my opinion, the order of difficulty is: (C), (D), (A) and (B).

Up Mist Trail is just one fourth of the effort, hiking just starts and we get the cool mist. (C) is the most difficult one because we get wore out when we reach it. It is also very steep and without the help of cable. Don’t worry about how to get down the steep slope when you are going up. By the time you going down, you already get used to the steep slop.

Thank you again for the Camp Site.

BTW: the lake in your photo is really yosemite lake? If it is by 120 on the way to Tioga Pass, it is Tenaya Lake(?).
