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1. Pheasant Back/Dryad's Saddle, 野雞背蘑菇(上,下右),背後的紋理是重要的判斷標準。 low left is oyster mushroom, 平菇, which is found on the same wood block. Both are edible. Pheasant Back grows more wildly and tough to chew if becoming old.

2. Agrocybe praecox is considered edible if well cooked, but it is said by some to retain a bitter taste and is of very poor quality. 沒有吃它,

3. Morel mushrooms, is the best taste and expensive one($40/lb). Springtime. (網上照片)穀歌翻譯為羊肚菌蘑菇。

4. Chicken of the woods. It tastes like chicken. (網上照片)
5. This is a white trillium. And yes they often turn pink as that age. 早春開花。

6. Ramps, also called wild leek.野胡蔥。葉子比leek 嫩,蒜味不夠濃。根塊也可以吃。It's also tied to Chicago's history: The city's name is derived from the Native American word "chicagoua," which refers to a wild-growing, stinky onionlike or garliclike plant — believed to be the same plant as the ramp.

7. Virginia Bluebells, 弗吉尼亞風鈴草。

8. Fothergilla


9. 藍鈴花(學名Hyacinthoides non-scripta)又稱野風信子,是天門冬科藍鈴花屬的一種多年生球莖植物,從西班牙西北到不列顛群島的大西洋地區均有分布,是西方常見的庭院植物。在春季,藍鈴花開出一串藍紫色的具有芳香的鈴狀小花,在原產地,成片的藍鈴花會編製出一片美麗的藍紫色花毯。

藍鈴花也泛指藍鈴花屬的植物,包括藍鈴花(英國藍鈴花)(H. non-scripta),西班牙藍鈴花(H. hispanica)與意大利藍鈴花(H. italica)。



10。 Shooting Star


11. 椴樹屬(學名:Tilia)可以叫做椴樹花,發現中文還叫它菩提樹.


12. Lady's Sleeper


13. See photos below for a comparison. 容易搞錯的兩種野花:

Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus Carota), left, 花型整體結構,主莖有毛刺。

Poison Hemlock (conium maculatum), right, 花型散,主莖光滑。


14. 番紅花


15. Grape Hyacinth 俗稱葡萄風信子

A BULB growing to 0.3 m (1ft) by 0.1 m (0ft 4in) at a medium rate.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 4 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from April to May, and the seeds ripen from July to August. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. The plant is self-fertile.


16. 東方鳶尾花(iris oriental)


17. iris pallida,


18. iris germanica , 日耳曼鳶尾花.


19. sea pink


20. aquilegia vulgaris



Wild Plant & Mushroom Identification & Discussion

Northern Illinois Mushroom Hunting

Wild Edibles

微信上的識花君不夠準確,北美的植物也不一定涵蓋。還有些app功能好些,一張圖有時候也不保險。以上群裏人非常熱心,答案很快就有。記得以前email 到芝加哥植物園詢問植物名,往往要等上幾個星期。

注意,照片往往要拍幾張。 蘑菇上麵, 下麵, 整體環境。告訴你所在的州/郡。

美國這幾天確診人數增加,不知道什麽時候能出行。再繼續認花吧,也希望給他人一些啟發,豐富生活, 度過這段時光。











總覺得蘑菇很危險,一不小心就會中招。 -chufang- 給 chufang 發送悄悄話 chufang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/24/2020 postreply 16:44:14

是要小心,沒有把握的一定不能吃。 -AnnYuan- 給 AnnYuan 發送悄悄話 AnnYuan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/24/2020 postreply 19:46:36
