A limiting case is a "limiting" case.
You can say Newtonian mechanics is a limit of general relativity, you can't simply say the former is just wrong.
A limiting case is a "limiting" case.
You can say Newtonian mechanics is a limit of general relativity, you can't simply say the former is just wrong.
您可以讀一下“limited case”的前提,其中之一就是make some approximations. 我們日常生活的物
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11/03/2023 postreply
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11/03/2023 postreply
Limiting case 不是 limited case.
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11/03/2023 postreply
您看一下從廣義相對論的公式推出limiting case的牛頓引力公式裏都是等號(=)還是還有約等號(≈)
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11/03/2023 postreply
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