
Since in most cultures men had oppressed women much, sometimes brutally. Extreme feminism can be understood as a pendulum hitting high by carrying over the energy from the other side. So, by the law of conservation of energy, it isn't the fault of feminism itself.

Or it can be understood as a punishment to men. Men seem to deserve it.

Of course, it would be a lot nicer if feminism is practiced more "properly", but this is asking too much from humanity which is the same quality that had exploited women.

I do agree that many stupidities have been being committed along this movement. I just consider them the collected karma for all humankind.

The criticisms of extreme feminism, such as yours, are a natural modifying and steering force too. So everything naturally comes together.

However, my mother argues that in the traditional societies men actually had harder lives than women since they took up more responsibilities.

A confession: in real life, the above mindset didn't win me affections from women specifically..嗬嗬

