

In short, a culture is sufficiently thorough and comprehensive an expression (with arrays of cultural elements) of the collective Will of a people. Certainly, this definition or fairly a criterion, appears self-refering for the term "cultural" is quoted in it. But I think this definition is automatically clear and serves the purpose of this post well. Necessarily, the "Will" here is in the Nietzschean or Schopenhaurian,  or even the Buddhist sense as in my earlier posts as of "願力".
A nation depends on such a culture for its formation and more importantly for its growth and endurance.
顯然,俄羅斯缺少這個意義上的文化, 故無論是否被核心西方接納,它都將分解. 
Obviously the Russia of its modern land stretch lacks a culture functioning as such.  Its formation was mostly due to political, economic motivations but culture. As I stated before, Russia is a 庶出 of western civilization, it always desires to be accepted into the core west. The core west can manipulate Russia just now by accepting it. But if this happens, Russia will most likely decompose into a number of states since it will find no justifications in holding itself in one single identity when this identity offers no substantial enough cultural contents within the sphere of western civilization.

Yet in reality, Russia is now rejected by the core west. Therefore it finds more reasons to stay unified under one identity, but precisely as a consequence of its lack of culture,  this big state is going to be lacking depth as to brew some universal meaningfulness converging to some purpose to guide itself in this world. That is, this state has no true Will. Hence, naturally it will decompose into a collection of smaller states.

Therefore, accepted into the core west or not, Russia will split. I believe eventually it (they) will be integrated into the western world as it always desires, though, likely not by acceptance but fusion.

We can also observe that today's Russia under Putin does not demonstrate a good sense of scale as an unusually big country. Putin "治大國若治小國", his abrupt invasion of Ukraine betrayed the philosophy stated publicly by himself: If a fight is inevitable, strike first. But this should not be the guiding philosophy of a country of Russia's scale.

印度, 雖本非統一國家,卻無疑擁有深厚的文化, 形散而神不散, 與形聚而神馳的俄羅斯恰好處於相反的狀況. 但崛起之前它需要先找到自己的國家形式. 
Today's India is a framework resulted from western colonialism. It is an entity foreign to its own culture, a poor if not dysfunctional expression of its Will.  Hence India the state will need to transform itself, reinvent itself in order to make itself a proper apparatus for its culture. This is an extra phrase China never needed to go through. But given the depth and magnitude of India's culture and the intelligence and desire of the Indian people, there shouldn't be any doubt that this can be done though it may be a painstaking process and will take a perhaps much longer time. 
Once this is done, India is on its way to claim its proper place in this world as a major civilization.
A great nation can only be great by being truthful to itself. I believe China and the future version of India will in general be friendly with each other for both Hinduism and Confucianism are pacifism. The more aggressive character of today's India has much to do with the fact that it was itself inherited from British colonialism.