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石凳說的衹是牛頓經典力學中的運動坐標問題: what is in motion in some reference frame (坐標)isn't necessarily so in some other reference frame.

In the theory of Relativity, even the motion itself can not be uniquely defined because neither its temporal nor spatial factors can be uniquely defined. (Young Einstein's daydream of flying with a light beam). Neither the arrow itself can be uniquely defined due to the relativistic effect on the mass of the arrow. But still, each defined path in space-time  (so called "worldline" 世界綫) is precise. It is just not unique.

In quantum mechanics, even the trajectory of the arrow in motion cannot be precisely defined due to restrictions by the so called wave function.

Zeno's presentation of this problem is limited to basic and intuitive geometry and notions of physical materials derived from our daily life experiences.

But all these do not take away the significance of zeno's paradox. The speculation itself is worthy.


