

This is a profound observation. It explains why there are so many greens since the pursuit of being blue is destined to bitter failure methodologically. It is like looking for true love with someone who considers you a prostitute.


As I pointed out just before, this is part of colonialism, its ever lasting effects. It needs to be put to an end unless you are happy with such a world.

This is also why US involvement in Afghanistan failed so miserably and so did all similar operations in other countries such as Ukraine and Iraq because US and western nations were never sincere and at best always half-hearted .


西方希望我們全麵接受悟空孫所說的普世價值觀嗎? -shuyezi- 給 shuyezi 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2021 postreply 05:06:02
