“大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止於至善。知止而後有定;定而後能靜;靜而後能安;安而後能慮;慮而後能得。 物有本末,事有終始。知所先後,則近道矣。”
The ultimate (大) learning is to manifest the great virtue, to develop it in people, not to stop (止) until reaching the ultimate good. Only anchoring to (知止)the ultimate good, one can achieve a right stand (定:站得對,平衡,中道 ,不偏不倚). Achieving a right stand one can achieve composure (靜). Achieving composure one can achieve tranquility(安). In tranquility one can meditate(慮). In meditation one gains wisdom. There are essences and consequences in things, beginnings and endings in events. Distinguishing the important and the less important is the way to approach the Dao.