尤其是社會邊緣群體,殘疾、流動、孤獨、精神障礙等等人群,難免被霸淩出 fetishism, 像各種 paraphilia……

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比如 kleptophilia、narratophilia、peodeiktophilia、coprophilia、mazophilia,等等。


當年老弗是這麽描述 fetishism(“戀物癖”)的:

“There are some cases which are quite remarkable - those in which the normal sexual object is replaced by another which bears some relation to it, but is entirely unsuited to serve the normal sexual aim”

“... seeking to reach its object (originally the genitals) from underneath, was brought to a halt in its pathway by prohibition and repression. For that reason it became attached to a fetish ...”

“What is substitued for the sexual object is some part of the body (such as the foot or hair) which is in general very inappropriate for sexal purposes, or some inanimate object which bears an assignable relation to the person whom it replaces and preferably to the person's sexuality.”


As usual,老弗把戀物癖根源歸結到俄狄浦斯情結 --- fetish 是戀物癖主體找到的“替代物”:

“To put it plainly, the fetish is a substitute for the woman’s (the mother’s) penis that the little boy once believed in and – for reasons familiar to us – does not want to give up”


“The horror of castration has set up a memorial to itself in the creation of this substitute (...) We can now see what the fetish achieves and what it is that maintains it. It remains a token of triumph over the threat of castration and a protection against it” 



“let me cite the article on fetishism of 1927 (老弗的《fetishism》), and the case Freud reports there of a patient who, to achieve sexual satisfaction, needed a certain shine on the nose (Glanz auf der Nase); analysis showed that his early, English-speaking years had seen the displacement of the burning curiosity that he felt for the phallus of his mother, that is to say, for that eminent manque-à-être, for that want-to-be, whose privileged signifier Freud revealed to us, into a glance at the nose in the forgotten language of his childhood, rather than a shine on the nose.”


傳人兄周末末愉快 :-)



再謝古紙兄的文化滲透。如此說來,那個“attention whore“應該是類似----- -文革傳人- 給 文革傳人 發送悄悄話 文革傳人 的博客首頁 (86 bytes) () 06/14/2021 postreply 00:05:13



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