
再也不來此胡編了,*_*。估計 Spielberg 也受老伏影響,在電影“林肯”中,把一段“廢奴”的激進發言放到影片中激進國會議員 Thaddeus Stevens 嘴中:“I shit on people on what they want and what they are ready for, I don‘t give a Goddamn about the people and what they want.  This is the face of someone (Stevens pointed to his own face) who has fought long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them. " *_*。

不過老伏確實是被權力追殺過, 上次古紙兄講的那個攻打巴士底獄的故事,要是早六十多年,被解救出的瘋子裏就多一位了,^_^。

再謝文化滲透, the real one.  


PS: 古紙兄說的那封法語信,英譯在此:


April 1st.

The Philosopher without knowingit, my dear friend, is not in truth a piece made to be reread, but to be replayed. Never, at my discretion, has it been more in favour of the actors' play; and the author must have a perfect knowledge of what should please the theatre. But we only reread the works filled with beautiful tirades, ingenious and true sentences, in a word eloquent and interesting things.

I believe that we do not agree on the article of the people, which you think is worthy of being educated. I mean by people the populace, who has only his arms to live. I doubt that this order of citizens will ever have the time or the capacity to learn; they would starve before they became philosophers. I think it's essential that there be ignorant beggars. If you were to claim a land like me, and if you had plows, you'd be fine with my opinion. It is not the manoeuvre that must be instructed, it is the good bourgeois, it is the inhabitant of the cities; this company is quite strong and quite large.

It is true that Confucius said that he had known people incapable of science, but none incapable of virtue. Therefore, virtue must be preached to the lowest people; but he must not waste his time examining who was right about Nestorius or Cyril, 2èbe or Athanasius, Jansenius or Molina, Zuingle or Ocolampade. And pleased God that there had never been a good bourgeois infatuated with these arguments! we would never have had wars of religion, we would never have had St. Bartholomew's Day. All the quarrels of this species began with people who were idle and at ease. When the populace mixes to reason, all is lost.

I agree with those who want to make good ploughmen[1] found children, instead of making them theologians. Besides, it would take a book to delve deeper into this question, and I barely have time, my dear friend, to write you a little letter.

Please please make me happy, it is to send the full edition of Cramer to Mr. de La Harpe. It is not that I certainly pretend to give him models of tragedies; but I'm quite comfortable showing him some little attentions in his misfortune[2].

I have not received the panegyric[3] done by Mr. Thomas. Surely the Dictionary of Scienceis secretly examined, since it is not yet issued to policyholders. But who are the examiners in a position to report it accurately? Should an ill-founded scruple, or the malignancy of a pedant, cause the underwriters to lose their money, and to the booksellers their advances? I would also like to refuse payment of a letter of exchange, on the pretext that it could be abused.

Here are three copies[4] that Mr. Boursier gave me to be sent to you. He says you won't hurt to address one to the priest of Novempopulania[5]. You see that God's righteousness is slow, but it happens:

Sequitur pede Pœna claudo.

(Hor., liv. III, od. (ii)

There are people to learn to live, and it is good to avenge sometimes the reason for the insults of the maroufles.

We have mediation here, and I do not think you care. I'm still waiting for something from Brother[6]. It is said that my niece Florian will spend her time pleasantly in Hornoy, you will go to see her; She's very happy.

Goodbye, my dear friend; I kiss you very tenderly. Skim


