主要不是這些原因,而是你是否願意投入美國的"共業'',所謂collective karma。

The black and white relation in the US isn't just an issue between the blacks and the whites, it is a national issue, a collective karma for all Americans. Why? Because American history and reality have been made that way.  Second generation Chinese are Americans, naturally they are sharing this collective karma. The first generation, even if agree to western culture and values, don't share this karma naturally. They carry their karma on from their native China. As an interesting fact, WXC has become their playground for the commotions of this carried-over karma. 

Still, that doesn't mean whoever shares this karma supports BLM. Even some black public figures don't. With them, it is a matter of choice, still an expression of their sharing, only in a different manner, with a different vision.

However, in some cases, some don't like to share this karma, say, those who have lived in this nation long enough but don't consider themselves Americans, yet they understand and sympathize with the pain and the more general significance behind the wild face of this social movement BLM, hence they support it (probably without getting much personally involved).  In here, understanding and heartiness are more important than culture and education.



