是啊!我也覺得有些人似乎天生就是好人,。。。 :)

來源: 豆角兒 2019-11-01 03:18:33 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3475 bytes)
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回答: 我認為良知是與生俱來的 :)雪晶2019-10-31 23:28:04

例如,。。。, 我們的偉大領袖。。。:)

有些生來就是壞蛋。 :)




也許你會問,難道沒有恒定不變的普世價值嗎(這個問題使我想起一段90年代前後獲得一係列大獎的電視連續劇Wonder Years中的一段對話,附在後麵)



下麵 Christine 說的: “the heart-felt human values” 大概就是王陽明的“此心”所指。:)


Wonder Years, Episode 4 - "Angel"


MISS WHITE: Do values change through time? Say, from generation to generation?

Christine Hansen.

"She always gave these thoughtful, complete..."

(Close shot of Paul frowning.)

Downright inspired answers. She made us all sick.

(Shot of the class as Christine stands up and smiles.)

But teachers loved her.

CHRISTINE: Yes, Miss White. Some values change from generation to generation.

(Close shot of Kevin silently mimicking Christine.)

CHRISTINE (V/O): But I think the really important ones...

(Close shot of Paul resting his cheek on his fist and sighing.)

CHRISTINE (V/O): Are the heart-felt human values.

(Close shot of Christine.)

CHRISTINE: And they stay the same throughout the ages.

MISS WHITE: That is very good, Christine, OK!

(Miss White walks past the blackboard and sets the chalk down, then turns to the class.)

MISS WHITE: OK, now as we read...

(Shot of Winnie, Kevin and Paul and others.)

MISS WHITE (V/O): As we evaluate those characters that we meet, how do we know...

(Close shot of Miss White as she gestures.)

MISS WHITE: Which values should change, and which values are, as Christine so eloquently put it...(Gestures.)

(Close shot of Christine smiling, then looking down.)

MISS WHITE (V/O): Heart-felt, and timeless?

(Close shot of Kevin looking off in thought.)

That was a tough question in any time. But in 1968...

(Wider shot of the class as Christine raises her hand.)

MISS WHITE: Yes, Christine!

(Close shot of Kevin looking off.)

CHRISTINE (V/O): Can I go to the bathroom?

In 1968, even Christine Hansen couldn't answer that one.


KAREN (V/O): "The answer is blowin' in the wind"



哈哈,不是有生辰八字嗎?出生大概就有了一定的宿命? -雪晶- 給 雪晶 發送悄悄話 雪晶 的博客首頁 (2219 bytes) () 11/01/2019 postreply 08:23:00



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