回了一趟國, 搞的老胡裏外不自在

Three Confusions: 回了一趟國, 搞的老胡裏外不自在

Last Saturday, I heard a very funny story from my co-worker, Hu. He have taken a vacation and have taken the chance to visit China. However, it seemed Hu was not satisfied for the trip. He complained that this vacation made him 裏外全都不是人, 在哪裏都不招待見. If you want to learn more, please read the following paragraphs.

After struggling for living  in the United States for several decades, Hu finally has time to visit his hometown in China. The words “struggle” means two. One is paying tuition and living expenses for two kids, who just graduated from the Universities. Another one is taking care of  his wife, who has suffered a long term disability for many years. 

In China, Hu has parents there. Recent years, his father is disabled and hospitalized there. Gratefully, government paid all Medicare and Medicaid fee. The purpose of this trip was to see his parents and visit Great China.

Unexpectedly, Hu experienced some strange things that made him totally confused due to the this vacation.  

Confusion One

Before starting his trip, Hu’s mother sent a message to tell him, “Once coming home, never tell people you are an American citizen.” 

That was the first time that Hu was confused: “What is wrong? My two kids are the US citizens and why not me?” 

He asked his sister for this issue and the answer was, “Now thing is different from Before: if you have changed nationality, some people may judge you do not love motherland, China. And family members will feel shame.” 

Hu sent massage to his family members, “You guys should not worry about any thing. Lay down your burdens and shame. Even though I am an immigrant, I love both China and America.”  

When landing on a airport in China, his brother and sister all come to meet him and express their welcome. During staying, Hu spent a wonderful time, such as eating delicious foods and visiting tremendous buildings. 

All his family members question him, “You have seen how marvelous China has changed. Sooner, it will go to top one in world and become a global leader instead of the US. You absolutely made a mistake to immigrate to the US.” 

Hu didn’t agree them, but he did not say anything. He thought, “I did  nothing wrong. Why did they judge me like that? I am a humble and real man. If lived in China, I might not able to take higher position or run business to make big money. In the US, I did  hard work and successfully supported family. I just had to live my life.” 

Actually, trust your journey since not everyone is able to understand your journey. It is not necessary to make everyone to understand you. You should be proud of yourself because you already go so far away from where you used to be. Anyway, you still have long journey to go. 

Confusion Two

Hu is a quiet and silent guy. He did not accept some invitations for party because he wanted to spend more time with family members. Someone gossiped him, “Hu shames to see friends, because he may not be such successful in his career. He must not hold a senior position and earn much money in the US.” 

That was the second time that Hu felt confused, “I live in the US and spend time with my family. Nobody should judge my personal life. I have right to choose the country I wish to live. I no need to show off my career and position any more.” 

Actually, this world does not need more successful people. It needs people who know how to respect others and make others happy.    

Confusion Three

Eventually, Hu came back to the US and next day he went back to his office. According to the traditional habit, Hu left some desserts in the break room for sharing with his co-workers. Three days passed, but almost nobody touched the desserts. 

That was the third time that Hu was confused, “Hi, guys what is wrong for my desserts? Why does nobody like it?”

After the office, Hu mentioned this issue to his wife. She laughed at Hu and told him that the answer may be the desserts come from China, a environment polluted area. Hu’s co-workers must worry about the foods, rather than Hu. Hu had to said, “Good things don’t go out, but bad things spread over thousands mail away.” 

Finally, Hu mocked himself, “This trip made me 裏外全都不是人, 在哪裏都不招待見.”

Actually, during the whole life, you are always facing something unexpected. You  can not change any people’s feel about you. You must accept any fact, even though you may unlike it. The positive attitude is that you just focus on living your life, taking care of yourself and being happy.
