哥倆被困當天曾跟一家電視台通過電話,說大哥當年到也門受訓是由Anwar al-Awlaki提供經費。而根據維基百科

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回答: 喜劇大腕 Bill Maher 說巴黎恐襲事件文革傳人2015-01-10 14:30:16
“In August 1996 and in April 1997, al-Awlaki was arrested in San Diego and charged with soliciting prostitutes.[23][48][71][72] In the first instance, he pled guilty to a lesser charge on condition of entering an AIDS education program, and paying $400 in fines and restitution.[72] The second time, he pled guilty to soliciting a prostitute, and was sentenced to three years' probation, fined $240, and ordered to perform 12 days of community service.[72][73]”


另外最後一句末尾應為“... ménage à trois”。米國人對此似乎情有獨鍾,當年施特勞斯-凱恩栽在紐約的時候,也曾以此拿他開涮。


古紙兄好。在博客也有網友指出“文革牌”法文的問題,*_*。 多謝。最早聽到這個詞是在另一位喜劇大腕的節目裏,Seinfeld-- -文革傳人- 給 文革傳人 發送悄悄話 文革傳人 的博客首頁 (555 bytes) () 01/10/2015 postreply 22:11:44



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