喜劇大腕 Bill Maher 說巴黎恐襲事件

來源: 文革傳人 2015-01-10 14:30:16 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14793 bytes)



Ready for a little free-speech in America?   Because I will tell you something, if there was a theme to the news while we were off it would be no “joking”. No “joking”, there are people in the world they just don’t like people joking about them. You know, North Korea, they don’t like it, these *****s in Paris they shot cartoonists, they don’t like it, as a jokester I guess I have to say the world needs to stand as one and to quote the immortal Dick Cheney to say “go f**k yourself”. And let me tell you something,
the incredibly courageous staff of this French magazine , Charlie Hebdo, I am probably pronouncing it wrong but we all know who they are, they said it loud and clear this week because they announced yesterday, not only will they put out the next edition on time, but with a million extra copies. Yeah, I mean, my heroes, compare that to Sony who pulled the “interview” after one on-line threat. Congratulation Sony, you put up less resistance than the French. Wow, they are the scaredy pants. They also shut down the production of next “Guardian of the Galaxy” movie because the raccoons complained about their portrayal.

The good news is the two brothers, who carried out this horrible attack today got their
wish, they are martyrs, they were shot dead by French police. And the third
jihadist, which is their accomplice, also shot dead, got this, maybe there is a
god, in a kosher deli, I just hope the last thing went through this guy’s head,
other than the sound of the bullets, was an old Jewish woman complaining the
brisket was too fatty. Now we are learning more about these brothers who
carried out this attack, they are as everyone expected, Amish, well, you know
what, Howard Dean said the other day, he said they are not Muslim terrorists,
they are mass murders, he was going to say more but the elephant in the room
sat on him. OK, we found out these two brothers were radicalized by a fanatical
janitor. I love that, because you know what, a janitor he must have the inside
track on what God wants, because God made him a janitor, he would put out a
fatwa on gum.
Also, much like the Tsarnaev brothers of the Boston Bombing fame, they were pot heads, hey smoke weeds, but obviously not enough. I will tell you, far be it for me
to make fun of religion, but only religion could ruin getting high and looking
at cartoons. So, meanwhile this week over at Syria Isis be-headed a street
magician, finally, we are on the same page, I have to think that Charlie Hebdo
would like that joke. You know the death toll at the office would have much higher, except luckily it was Paris in the middle of the day, most people being at home having sex. 
Do you love it that everyone in America finally loving France again?  Yes. Je
aime la France. Even the conservatives, Senate republicans even considering changing the Freedom Fries back to French Fries. And all the politicians are
getting into the act, Chris Christie, today pledged that he would eat a whole
tray of chocolate éclairs, and Bill Clinton said he would proudly take part in ménage
à trios.

說一點背景。Bill 是美國“自由派”裏麵最“自由”的一杆旗幟。他此刻的發言平台是有線電視HBO上每

Real Time with Bill Maher”。Bill 生在一個天主教家庭,父親是天主教徒,母親是猶太裔。


Religulous”,拿各種宗教開涮。Bill 是言論自由的強力捍衛者,大麻無害論的時刻推銷員,共和

911前曾主持電視節目“政治不正確”。911發生,Bill 說了一段“不合



Bill 以拿宗教開涮為己任,幾乎無天主教不成笑話。可

Bill 曾在一期自己的節目上“探



Put up less resistance 是拿二戰中的法國人開涮。Scaredy pants 是個動畫角色,被嚇壞了的典型。
Kosher Deli是猶太食品店,Brisket是一種猶太式牛肉食品,其中的穆斯林與猶太笑話本老漢不會解釋,*_*
Howard Dean 是民主黨的左派,曾參選總統初選,Bill 的“戰友”。Bill 這裏在諷刺他的“政治正確”。
Bill 說他與ISIS同感是一種反諷。
Freedom Fries911後美國國會的極端政客嫌法國“反恐”不力,把法國炸薯條給改成自由炸薯條了。
Chris Christie是共和黨籍的新澤西州州長,有點胖,^_^Chocolate  éclairs是一道法國甜點。
Ménage à trios既然和Bill Clinton 有關,您去猜意思吧。

Bill Maher 及“Charlie Hebdo”版的笑話,與咱國文化在許多方麵格格不入,這就是所謂的文化衝突吧。


最後,再說一遍,Je suis Charlie.


哥倆被困當天曾跟一家電視台通過電話,說大哥當年到也門受訓是由Anwar al-Awlaki提供經費。而根據維基百科 -papyrus- 給 papyrus 發送悄悄話 (826 bytes) () 01/10/2015 postreply 17:45:25

古紙兄好。在博客也有網友指出“文革牌”法文的問題,*_*。 多謝。最早聽到這個詞是在另一位喜劇大腕的節目裏,Seinfeld-- -文革傳人- 給 文革傳人 發送悄悄話 文革傳人 的博客首頁 (555 bytes) () 01/10/2015 postreply 22:11:44

剛看見今天一條新聞,Maher說的那個“fanatical janitor”後來考上護士學校,目前正在巴黎一家醫院急診室畢業實習 -papyrus- 給 papyrus 發送悄悄話 (316 bytes) () 01/11/2015 postreply 10:12:18

這邊CNN也報了。 護士?從精神關照向身體關照,退步了,^_^。 -文革傳人- 給 文革傳人 發送悄悄話 文革傳人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2015 postreply 14:47:22



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