再查一下,此言出自(泰倫斯)Publius Terentius Afer (195/185–159 BC).

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回答: 八一八“人所具有的,我無不具有”wxcfan1232013-01-19 13:05:20

One famous quotation by Terence reads: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto", or "I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me."This appeared in his play Heauton



 Terentius’ statement, “I believe that nothing human is alien to me,” was an expression of the Humanist spirit, echoed centuries later by Goethe’s “Man carries within himself not only his individuality but all of humanity, with all its potentialities, although he can realize these potentialities in only a limited way because of the external limitations of his individual existence.”

誰能從這裏讀出私生子的話,I 服了 U。



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