看下麵中英對照的修訂稿, 多謝雨果的提醒. 原來的排版確實讓人難受

回答: 特別喜歡 <原罪的基因> 一書intools2013-01-12 13:01:08

科學是通過證偽(打假)而不斷的發展變化的. 屬於修正主義. 朝令夕改, 不覺丟人, 反而很榮耀.
信仰則不能輕易改變(思想守舊),創新以後麵目全非, 如何讓人去信? 信仰的最高境界是"兩個凡是".

引用 Duve: Evolution is a fact. It was a theory two centries ago, when Larmarck and Erasmus Darwin (注解: Charles Darwin 的爺爺,有其爺必然有其孫) first proposed it, just as heliocentrism was a theory in the days of Copernius and Galileo. Evolution is no longer a theory, just as heliocentrism is no longer a theory; it is a fact. The Catholic Church has recognized this with remarkable promptness, as compared to the Galileo affair. On October 22, 1996, at a meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope John Paul II solemnly announced that "evolution is more than an hypothesis". He did admittedly retreat somewhat to make a special case for the creation of the human soul; and his successor has retreated even further by leaning in favor of the so-called theory of intelligent design. Nevertheless, biological evolution is not negated by the Catholic Church. Such is not the case for several other religious groups.


信仰也需實證。 -squirrel_6- 給 squirrel_6 發送悄悄話 squirrel_6 的博客首頁 (552 bytes) () 01/13/2013 postreply 09:50:31

Macro evolution is still a speculation. It will always be until -QualityWithoutName- 給 QualityWithoutName 發送悄悄話 QualityWithoutName 的博客首頁 (384 bytes) () 01/13/2013 postreply 14:06:28
