“來真格的, 他造人,就會給人自由意誌, 不造一個機器人。”
QWN: we don't chose to have free will because it is not our choice to make. It is God's choice. What we can do is to excise our free will, and God allow us to do so. We can choose to obey or disobey, either way, we are excising our free will.
“來真格的, 他說,你吃這樹上的果會死。不信,就死了。”
當人們吃了the fruit of knowledge, they lose the essence of life, we do die when we know. we do come to life when we don't know. 所以神做到了。(too much in this topic. just one perspective here)
QWN: We die not because we know. We die because we don't believe God is serious.
“來真格的, 他說, 我是愛,聖子就降生為人替我們死。”
we still breathe because there is certain divinity in all of us. because of that true love, we are here. That love not only gives us body, it also gives us soul. our parents love us and all the people here who are writing with beautiful heart also loves us. Their sacrifice do transcend us so that we know what life means. That divine power do transform us so that we don't live in a dead body anymore. 所以神做到了。
QWN: we still breath not because we deserve it. God give us one last chance to be redeemed. If God is serious, we have to think that our soul is separated from God until it is redeemed.
"來真格的, 他說, 信的人和我在一起 (升天堂)"
Whoever taste the essence of life, they will live in that eternal essence - a space of heaven. 所以神做到了.
QWN: God is faithful. Whoever choose to be with Him will be with Him.
"來真格的, 他說, 不信的人我無法強迫他和我在一起 (入地獄)"
For those who cannot bring out that essence, they will live in confusion, conflict, and hatred, maybe even worse than hell. 事實的確如此。
QWN: God is serious, therefore God is not going to give us infinite number of opportunities to be saved. There is no reincarnation. We only have one chance at right now. Now or never.
但是你說的也的確是事實,並且可能反應了大部分的現實狀況。正像the life of pi, there are two stories here, we are free and we can make the choice. 並且還不止這兩個選擇,每個人都有自己的選擇,所以又回到了你的第一個問題,我們都有選擇,隻是我們往往意識不到有選擇, then we can only repeat, repeat, no choice, a status similar to death.
QWN: God is not simple, but God made salvation simple: accept then home, reject then hell. For some smart people, It is too simple to believe. They prefer their own twisted wisdom.I hope they can back to simple truth.