Creation is an illusion (創造是一個幻覺)

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There is no creation from the so-called God.  SELF is beyond God.  God is an illusory concept imagined by ego wishing to have a separate deity able to protect him.  Ego is a mental construct from SELF, in understandable analogy, this mental construct is very similar to human thought.  When we think about something, in our mind we instantly construct an image for it.  The same reasoning may apply to SELF.  SELF has no motivation, it simply mentally thought out an illusory Ego, which assumes itself as an separate identity able to "live a life".  However, this illusion remains simply an illusion, there is no Ego as an separate identity or real object, Ego is very much like only a illusory thought form.  Likewise, object universe/world has exactly the same nature as EGO, they are mental construct from SELF.  Its main reason for being there is for satifying the eyes of EGO, so EGO can "live a life".   In reality, there is no real life in Ego.  Real life belongs to SELF.

Puff, Ego is there, Puff, Ego is gone.  That's how quickly a thought can swift through human mind.  Likewise, Ego rises and falls in Universal mind as quickly as ordinary thought passes through ordinary mind.  If you are able to understand ordinary mind, it's a very good analogy to be used to understand Universal MIND (of SELF).

Why are we able to find many analogies to understand an ultimate reality?  Because SELF left it there for us as a reminder! it automatically left traces of clues for the characters inside its thought to wake up.  The best clue left to us is our own human dream!  In dream, SELF wants Ego to find out that he can act God to its dreamed creatures, he can temporarily think out a dream and wake up from the dream.  His dreamed characters' fate are simply subject to their thinker's whim.  The dream-mechanism teaches you the truth that all these dreamed characters don't have lives on their own.  Their lives are simply your life!  That's a wonderful clue pointing out to SELF, which acts God to mentally construct Ego and its accompanying phenomenon world.  If you ignore such clues, then you lose an opportunity to find out your true ature.

Therefore, nothing is created because there is nothing but SELF.  All phenomena world is simply very much analogious to a divine thought form.

Creation theory has no meaning! It can be buried now.



now "Ego" gets another name -QualityWithoutName- 給 QualityWithoutName 發送悄悄話 QualityWithoutName 的博客首頁 (853 bytes) () 11/07/2012 postreply 10:33:51

Yes, Ego is just a name explaining a self-identifying illusion. -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (282 bytes) () 11/07/2012 postreply 11:18:35

文字是為了解釋,如果一個解釋聽不懂,我會試另一個文字解釋,都是比喻一個絕對的真理。 -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (326 bytes) () 11/07/2012 postreply 11:28:12
