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Joy of Self-realization

Janaka said ---

1. Oh, I am spotless, tranquil, Pure Consciousness, and beyond Nature. All this

time I have been mocked by illusion.


2. As I alone reveal this body, even so do I reveal this universe. Therefore mine

is all this universe, or verily nothing is mine.

我自己展現了自己的肉身,因此展現了宇宙。因此,我的(MINE)就是這個宇宙的。或則說,沒有任何是我的(MINE)。 (注意,你似乎看到了語言上的矛盾。一方麵他說自己就是這個宇宙,但又同時否認沒有一樣東西是自己的。矛盾嗎?不矛盾,在這裏他想說的就是這個無我的境界:真正的我是這個宇宙本身,但沒有那個個體獨立的小我EGO,它是幻覺。是我又不是我。看你理解到了這個“我”到底是什麽。這種地方就需要比較高的悟性才能理解,這就是為什麽這本經不隨便教給悟性有限的人,怕他們不理解,誤解了,反而有害他們的發展。)

3. Oh, having renounced the universe together with the body, I now perceive

the Supreme Self through the secret of wisdom.



4. As waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, so the universe

emanating from the Self is not different from It.


5. As cloth, when analyzed, is found to be nothing but thread, so this universe,

when analyzed, is nothing but the Self.


6. Just as sugar generated in sugarcane juice is wholly pervaded by that juice, so

the universe produced in Me is permeated by Me through and through.



7. The world appears from the ignorance of the Self and disappears with the

knowledge of the Self, just as the snake appears from the non-cognition of the rope

and disappears with its recognition.


(注解: 他在這裏解釋了你的智慧層度決定你看到的現實的樣子。當你的智慧提高,原來以為真實的認識,會發現原來是你的謬誤。你想看到和想相信眼前怎麽樣的世界,這個認識就自動地展現了怎麽樣的世界給你自己看,你的感官永遠創造一個自我欺騙的幻境給你看。但當你發現這個世界其實就是你自己後,你看到的每個東西就馬上不是別的東西了,它們都是是你自己! 本質沒變,是你的看法變了。)

8. Light is my very nature and I am no other than light. When the universe

manifests itself, verily then it is I that shine.


9. O, the universe appears in me, conceived through ignorance, just as silver

appears in the mother of pearl, a snake in the rope, and water in the sunbeam.


10. Just as a jug dissolves into clay, a wave into water, or a bracelet into gold, so

the universe which has emanated from me will dissolve into me.


11. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself who know no decay and survive even

the destruction of the world, from Brahma down to a clump of grass.


12. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself who, though with a body, am One,

who neither go anywhere nor come from anywhere but abide pervading the



13. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself! There is none so capable as I, who am

bearing the universe for all eternity without touching it with the body.


14. Wonderful am I! Adoration to myself who have nothing or have all that is

thought and spoken of.



15. Knowledge, knower and the knowable –- these three do not exist in reality. I

am that stainless Self in which this triad appears through ignorance.



16. Oh, the root of misery is duality. There is no other remedy for it except the

realization that all objects of experience are unreal and that I am pure, One,

Consciousness, and Bliss.


17. I am pure Consciousness. Through ignorance I have imposed limitations

upon myself. Constantly reflecting in this way, I am abiding in the Absolute.

我們的本質是純粹意識。 我的無知是自己賦予的。你要醒悟,就要不斷地提醒自己,我存在於絕對中,任何相對的經驗和概念都是幻覺。


18. I have neither bondage nor freedom. Having lost its support, the illusion has

ceased. Oh, the universe, though existing in me, does not in reality so exist.



19. I have known for certain that the body and the universe are nothing and that

the Atman is Pure Consciousness alone. So on what is it now possible to base


我已經確定的知道了肉體和宇宙都不是現實。隻有自己(ATMAN,梵文中的SELF)這個純粹的意識是唯一的現實。 還有什麽想象的基礎了?沒有了,絕對的已經在那裏了。

20. Body, heaven and hell, bondage and freedom, as also fear, all these are mere

imagination. What have I to do with all these—I whose nature is Pure



21. Oh, I do not find any duality. Even the multitude of human beings, therefore,

has become like a wilderness. To what should I attach myself?



22. I am not this body, nor have I a body. I am not Jiva, I am Pure Consciousness.

This indeed was my bondage that I had thirst for life.

我不是這個肉體,我也不擁有這個肉體。我不是這個生命(JIVA),也不擁有這個生命。我是純粹的意識(AWARENESS),終極旁觀者。 原來肉體渴望的“生活”的欲望才是我的枷鎖。

(注解: 注意他清楚地說明了個體的肉身並不擁有真正的生命。肉身渴望的生命其實就是他的牢獄。真正的生命是屬於那個和你重疊在一起的終極意識的。如果你追求肉身的“永生”,你很快就會失望,因為任何暫時的東西的唯一歸宿就是滅亡。肉體是不可能永生的。)

23. Oh, in me, the limitless ocean, on the rising of the wind of the mind, diverse

waves of worlds are produced forthwith.


(注解:他說一切其實就是你自己的PURE CONSCIOUS MIND投射展現出來的。除了MIND,什麽都沒有。我一思想,就思想出世界來。)

24. With the calming of the wind of the mind in the infinite ocean of myself, the

ark of the universe, unfortunately for Jiva, the trader, meets destruction.

當MIND的風平息了,宇宙和它當中的不幸的個體生命(JIVA),也隨之滅亡。 但這個純粹的意識永存。

25. How wonderful! In me, the shoreless ocean, the waves of individual selves,

according to their nature, rise, strike each other, play for a time and disappear.






sorry for chasing you. -QualityWithoutName- 給 QualityWithoutName 發送悄悄話 QualityWithoutName 的博客首頁 (711 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 15:17:02

I am happy. So no need to feel sorry for me: Here is my reply: -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (3636 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 15:36:44

大俠們能否盡量用中文交流,謝謝 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 20:15:20

期待續集 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 16:09:24

這和米大的體驗似乎很像 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 17:58:21

這是大約3000年以前的大師的體驗。今天的體驗是不變的。知識可以變,但智慧是不變的。 -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 19:13:49

米大真的是得道了,望多多普度,,感謝網絡 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 20:12:55



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