

“專製和民主的關係,……沒有強烈的好/,先/後關係. 專製和民主的關係,更像爬行和直立行走的關係. ”——爬行和直立沒有先後,好壞?此話怎講?

“專製是民主的前夜,民主是專製的未來.人類一定從專製製度走向民主製度. 此為概念模糊.”——這個好像不是概念,而是一種未經證實的猜想。人類(全人類)我覺得永遠不可能統統走向一個製度,不管是不是民主,讓全人類都實現民主和以前把紅旗插遍五湖四海是一種思維。人類社會變得多元化才符合自然規律。當然這也是我的猜想,不是概念。


你以為那些自焚的,跳樓的,上訪的,..都是製造悲情,自虐?他們沒有試過/不想“討個說法”?難道上訪不是“討個說法”?此為邏輯混亂 ”——是的,我忽略了一點,我是基本上支持上訪的,但不支持上訪中那種哭鬧下跪的方式,這和過去祈求青天大老爺沒有什麽兩樣。上訪也要做好充分的法律準備,先用法律武裝好自己,不卑不亢,哪怕是自焚也要死在最高法院門前而不是自家門前。但國人的心理總是把自己弄得可憐狀,慘兮兮的,似乎這樣才能得到支持和同情。不過我更希望人們上訪之前走正常的法律途徑,當然在中國這很難,但上訪更難,弄不好命都搭上。

開盤就說中國人的胃不適合民主, 台灣人不是中國人?住在加拿大的華人不是中國人?大家都很適應嘛...”——中國目前沒有做好全盤接受民主的準備,不代表永遠不能。再別拿台灣說事,台灣的文化除了表麵的包粽子吃元宵,其深層價值觀還有多少中國文化?中國人?台灣還有多少人真正認同自己是中國人?海外的,尤其海外大陸人,恐怕更是隻知道享受作為權力和利益的民主,從來沒有意識到民主更是責任和義務吧?當然,海外的華人在西方文化熏陶下,這個胃多少也改變了。你還吃稀飯饅頭嗎?國內的百姓恐怕還離不開這兩樣吧?



Citizen Responsibilities



(The following one-pager is taken from the U.S. Department of State publication, Principles of Democracy.)

Unlike a dictatorship, a democratic government exists to serve the people, but citizens in democracies must also agree to abide by the rules and obligations by which they are governed. Democracies grant many freedoms to their citizens including the freedom to dissent and criticize the government.

Citizenship in a democracy requires participation, civility, and even patience.

Democratic citizens recognize that they not only have rights, they have responsibilities. They recognize that democracy requires an investment of time and hard work – a government of the people demands constant vigilance and support by the people.

• Under some democratic governments, civic participation means that citizens are required to serve on juries, or give mandatory military or civilian national service for a period of time. Other obligations apply to all democracies and are the sole responsibility of the citizen – chief among these is respect for law. Paying one's fair share of taxes, accepting the authority of the elected government, and respecting the rights of those with differing points of view are also examples of citizen responsibility.

• Democratic citizens know that they must bear the burden of responsibility for their society if they are to benefit from its protection of their rights.

• There is a saying in free societies: you get the government you deserve. For democracy to succeed, citizens must be active, not passive, because they know that the success or failure of the government is their responsibility, and no one else's. In turn, government officials understand that all citizens should be treated equally and that bribery has no place in a democratic government.

• In a democratic system, people unhappy with their leaders are free to organize and peacefully make the case for change – or try to vote those leaders out of office at established times for elections.

• Democracies need more than an occasional vote from their citizens to remain healthy. They need the steady attention, time, and commitment of large numbers of their citizens who, in turn, look to the government to protect their rights and freedoms.

• Citizens in a democracy join political parties and campaign for the candidates of their choice. They accept the fact that their party may not always be in power.

-- They are free to run for office or serve as appointed public officials for a time.

-- They utilize a free press to speak out on local and national issues.

-- They join labor unions, community groups, and business associations.

-- They join private voluntary organizations that share their interests – whether devoted to religion, ethnic culture, academic study, sports, the arts, literature, neighborhood improvement, international student exchanges, or a hundred other different activities.



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