
回答: 原文是這樣說的:Gsmember2014-06-30 21:32:26


Q:China is talking about how the mainland Chinese people should be involved in deciding Taiwan’s future.

A:  The statement by the spokesperson of Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office about Taiwan’s future caused quite a stir of opposition here. They stated their traditional position, without realizing that, for Taiwan, this is unacceptable. So even though the mainland has invested a great deal in researching Taiwan–their organizations often send people to Taiwan–they still… need to do more homework.

(再請注意:Traditional position這個詞的用法極怪異。馬英九是哈佛的法學博士,言辭極其謹慎。兩岸問題又高度敏感。為了8個字會爭鬥十幾年。Forbes明示馬英九是用中文回答英文提問的。馬的用詞無外乎是既有的立場(existing position),一貫立場(consistent position),同樣立場 (same position),......。

Traditional position通常指的是性交體位。這是我頭一次見到這個詞用於外交辭令。如果是口誤還好理解。但是,馬英九是用中文講的。其後,再由Forbes的專業人員翻譯並編輯的啊!匪夷所思!)
