【七律】 除夕夜宴 ( 五歌)
* 驚鴻舞,霓裳羽衣舞,綠腰舞
This is the YouTube site link of the Spring Festival Gala to celebrate the 2023 New Year held by our City“s Chinese Association this year:
It was held in the most historic and beautiful theater in town, with tickets on sale to the general public. Our dance team has practiced very hard for several months. There were over one hundred performers and many volunteers. It is really commendable to be able to produce such a large-scale and high-quality Spring Festival Gala. Congratulations to our production director Zeng Weidong, for her hard work! If you like the show, please like it on YouTube, and forward it to your friends. Thank you.
I participated in the opening ceremony dance, Xinjiang folk dance (around 52 minutes), the ancient Han fashion show (1 hour and 30 minutes), and the closing ceremony. In the opening dance, I was the center of flowers wearing a blue dress, and in the Xinjiang folk dance, I was the tallest dancer in the middle. In the ancient fashion show, I wore the yellow colored Queen Zhen Huan costume. For a fleeting moment, I experienced royal comfort and prosperity, haha. I had four sets of different costumes to change and was busy both on stage and off stage, but it was a fun experience. In the past, there was a Spring Festival Gala every year. It stopped for three years due to pedemic. This was the first time it has resumed. I was very happy about that . The practice of the dance team every Saturday is also a good body form training, cross-training for my running, and a social event for me ~~
在城裏最有悠久曆史的美麗的劇院,公開售票。我們舞蹈隊苦練了好幾個月,晚會有一百多個參與者,還有很多義工。能排出這樣大規模的,高質量的春晚真是可讚可慶可驕傲的事。祝賀總導演曾蔚東,辛苦了!你們若喜歡,歡迎在YouTube 點讚,轉發,謝謝。
我參與了開場舞,新疆舞 (52分鍾),古代時裝表演 (1小時30分),和閉幕式。開場舞我是穿藍裙的花芯,新疆舞我是在正中間最高的那個,古代時裝表演,我穿的是黃色的皇後甄嬛服,過了一小會兒榮華富貴的癮,嗬嗬。 四套不同的服裝,台上台下忙,不過,樂在其中。以前每年都有春晚,因為新冠停了三年,這是首次恢複,很高興。舞蹈隊每周六的排練,也是很好的形體訓練,跑步的交叉訓練,和社交活動 ~~