the best team for Lin

來源: yanon 2015-03-04 16:06:46 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1492 bytes)
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The Sacramento Kings. The King's new owner is very hungry for wins.

George Karl preaches the gospel of fast basketball and wants his players to constantly push the pace and attack the rim with the dribble, while also moving the ball as rapidly as possible. This is perfect for Lin. Lin flourishes when he attacks the rim. If Lin wants to run pick and roll, he has Cousins to set picks for him. The Lin and Cousins combo will absolutely destroy the opposing team. Cousins is also a rebounding machine.

Sactown has very supportive fans and is very close to the Bay Area. You know Linsanity will bring down the house if the Kings are back in playoff. The Sleep Train Arena atmosphere will be like the early 2000's Arco Arena--cow bells ringing all game long. The only difference will be Lin, Gay, and Cousins replaced Mike Bibby, Predrag stojakovic, and Cwebb. Bibby and Cwebb also loved to run pick and roll. The Kings team of early 2000s is all about the Princeton offense with good ball movements and sharp shooters. Rudy Gay is a good shooter (3 points shooting skill is not as good as Predrag but more athletic).

The only issue that might prevent Lin from going to Sactown is that the Kings just traded for Andre Miller. If George Karl does not intend to use Andre Miller as his main horse, then Andre will also be a good mentor for Jeremy as Andre is 38 and has lots experience to offer.


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