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The Los Angeles Lakers will have Kobe Bryant for only two more years at most, so the All Star guard’s annual trip to Germany to treat his ailing knee raised a little more concern this year than in the past.

Bryant has been traveling to Germany for the past few years to see Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt, one of the world’s foremost experts on knee injuries. Dr. Hans has worked on Olympic champion Usain Bolt, who called him “the best doctor in the world.”

Kobe Bryant didn’t actually have any cause for concern, and the trip was described as routine, but it is still a cause for some concern to the Los Angeles Lakers as the franchise player’s career winds to a close. The Lakers have already talked about limiting Kobe’s minutes this year in an effort to keep his body healthy.

“We know how hard he works, we know how driven he is,” Lakers coach Byron Scott told KPCC. “But I think he’s at the point too where he’s so much more mature, and he understands that he only has a few more miles left on that body, you know, maybe two, maybe three years. And I think he’s probably more acceptable to accept the fact that you can’t practice every day. There might be some games where you can’t play this game or that game. But that’s all to be determined.”

“I’m not going to sacrifice his body just to try to win a game,” Scott added.

Kobe Bryant has made a lot of sacrifices for the Los Angeles Lakers in recent months. After tearing his Achilles in April 2013, Kobe worked himself back in shape just in time to fracture his knee in December.

In an effort to make the most of the time Kobe Bryant has left, the Los Angeles Lakers are reportedly taking aim at some big name free agents, including Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo. Hoops Habit reported that the Lakers have been feeling out a trade for Rondo in the hopes of turning into an immediate contender again.

At the same time, the Los Angeles Lakers appear to be planning for the inevitable day that Kobe Bryant is gone. Rumors indicate that the team is looking at Phoenix Suns guard Eric Bledsoe, who will likely hit free agency next year.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1476080/los-angeles-lakers-news-kobe-bryant-knee-visit-could-be-cause-for-concern/#xjckKoC0MyfPkm4P.99



球星別嚇人行不?沒啥麻煩啊?關於限製他的時間教練早就這麽說了。 -春蠶- 給 春蠶 發送悄悄話 春蠶 的博客首頁 (128 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 08:49:39

不知道他去德國是有什麽新問題,還是老問題去check up? -萬綠叢中- 給 萬綠叢中 發送悄悄話 萬綠叢中 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 09:55:15

看到沒有?前幾天ESPN打分,球員資源方麵才給了某湖8分,那是有道理滴 -JieHu-- 給 JieHu- 發送悄悄話 JieHu- 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 10:07:03

嗯,有內線,看科比病例了。lol -萬綠叢中- 給 萬綠叢中 發送悄悄話 萬綠叢中 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 10:40:06

我是在想,如果科大嬸打不了,那誰頂上呢? -JieHu-- 給 JieHu- 發送悄悄話 JieHu- 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 11:11:22

那就隻剩下你家楊少俠了 -事兒- 給 事兒 發送悄悄話 事兒 的博客首頁 (63 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 11:31:58

隻要別是上個賽季那種沒落貴族的落魄樣子就成 -事兒- 給 事兒 發送悄悄話 事兒 的博客首頁 (54 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 11:30:23

橋老爺就膝蓋有問題,科比山齋了橋老爺一輩子,連傷病都山上了,真是敬業! -fkcom- 給 fkcom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 10:49:46

這話很令人生氣! -rerre- 給 rerre 發送悄悄話 rerre 的博客首頁 (212 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 12:36:17

8掛專家。不看也罷。 -雪花無聲- 給 雪花無聲 發送悄悄話 雪花無聲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 12:58:25

雪花態度大大地壞啦壞啦滴。俺跟你拚了 -板凳球星- 給 板凳球星 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 13:32:30

科比不需要這樣的炒作。咋沒提科大俠去Bayern 主場看比賽呢? -redyellowrose- 給 redyellowrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2014 postreply 13:47:54



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