
來源: ezf 2014-05-01 22:43:02 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5893 bytes)

By G-le:


Hello mr. Clutch
before I start blasting and cursing at you, and your basketball ignorance, just let me tell you that I do appreciate your effort for putting this board up, and running it all this years.

I would be what you call around here a LOF. I despise that description, but its a starting point for what I am about to say. Since NBA is much more of a show than its a sport, I have always followed it that way. Before Lin, it was Stojakovic. Before that is was Kukoc. Before Kukoc started playing in NBA, it was Divac. I am from Macedonia, part of ex Yugoslavia, so there is the connection. My favorite player is probably Magic. I am white (caucasian), educated, communist(meaning all people are equal and there is no GOD or any other imaginary friends). I have watched basketball in enormous quantities since I have been 5 (thats the age from which I can recollect having games watched- italians braking the leg of Kicanovic). Thats 1981. I have seen so many players being a young rookies, that are now coaches. Jason Kid being just an example. Robinson, the Admiral. Your own Sam Cassell . To follow the games, I have bought countless magazines, listen to radio, internet radio, read box scores and play by plays. I have watched countless number of games, real time. That means, staying up from 1am till 7am for the pacific games. And working the next day. So, do have a perspective how much I love the game.
And, my favorite player in the moment is Lin. I don`t care if he is Asian. I don`t care about his faith. I think its cute he was at Hardvard, because your country is so racist that no one believed he is good enough player for the big universities, despite him having great high school career. Being undrafted.

What I do care about is, the way he plays the game. He hustles. He cares. He has good personality on court. He looks for the high percentage shot, either for him or whomever is open. He can spark that craziness where the team just has more energy and explodes offensively. Where everyone hustles on D.

Harden is nice player, watched him since his OKC days, very efficient(this series notwithstanding). He just doesn`t have that star quality that Lin has. James is the better shooter. He is stronger. He is not selfish. He just cant energize a team the way Lin can. The way Kukoc could. The way Magic could.

I laugh out loud, for all you Dragic lovers. You ignorant pricks. He is from Slovenia, also ex Yugoslavia. Naturally I am biased for all ex yu. He is good player, had great season. But he never ever was a star, who could carry a team. I have watched him a lot, and he never was that special. You have to understand, Yugoslavia had some of the best players of ALL times, so we have pretty high standards. But what would you all know, the great US of A. You have the title of world champion for the nba title, ffs. Thats as ignorant and incorrect as one can get.

So, you and lot of your texas rednecks don`t like Lin? Fine, what can one do about that. He will have to go to one of the bigger cities, multicultural ones, like nyc, boston, la or similar to have a fair chance. But, the stupidity of not seeing that this teams plays it best basketball when he is running the show is beyond belief. The inability to accept that Lin is your most popular player worldwide, and its not all about his race or beliefs ...
And I don`t hate Beverley, I don`t hate Harden, nor any other rocket player. I love them.
Basketball is team sport, and since Lin plays here, I am by definition a rockets fan. I just have different view how basketball should be played. It involves playing defense, playing for the best percentage shot, it doesn`t involve ISO or pure streetball stupidity. It has more boxing out, more picks, less stepbacks. You know, like the spurs play for 20 years ...

And, finally, back to the turnover. It was the right play. You can call timeout, but trying to get on versus unprepared defense has it merits. In the situation, walking the ball out was probably the best option. He got unlucky, Mo Williams made TERRIFIC defensive play. Steal from behind, out of bounds save(or not), the pump fake and the 3. It happens. At the end of the day, its just one play. So many turnovers, so many missed shots and free trows. Blaming Lin makes you petty and shortsighted, nothing else. You win games, series, and championships based on good coaching, good strategic decisions, and at the moment thats not whats happening with the rockets. Its not Lins turnover, or Beverleys, or Hardens. One play doesnt decide anything.
Its not playing PNR till everyone dies of boredom. Lin, Harden, Howard have best, BEST stats on that play. I would run it till the end of times. Everything else should be optional and for diversification.
And, defense. I dont care how good James is on offense, if he is not playing D, he should sit and rest. PERIOD! If he can play two way for only 20 min, thats how much he should play.


林粉當然喜歡這篇,因為他是對的。 -TraderJo- 給 TraderJo 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/01/2014 postreply 23:04:51

謝謝分享。 -奇山異石- 給 奇山異石 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/01/2014 postreply 23:14:21

我英明黨的智慧~~~ -李哼- 給 李哼 發送悄悄話 李哼 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/01/2014 postreply 23:48:19



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