sorry but i have to disagree with you

來源: 老看客 2014-01-14 06:53:41 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (740 bytes)
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in this regard. The key point is, Lin was very good as a PG in term of court organization and so on, but he was overall not a well established player and had so much to learn. It is true he was pretty lucky to have gotten the big contract with Rox. However, the other surface of the coin is it might be too big for him at that time. As a result, he couldn't simply sit in the team and enjoy the contract. Instead, he had to urgently make up himself and gain all the required high level skills and qualifications in order to match the contract. What we feel very pleasant to see is, so far he almost gets there after experiencing so many ups and downs over the past a year and a half.



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