回複:summary? it is way too long.

回答: summary? it is way too long.msgttst2014-01-04 21:37:24

1) Rockets have a lot of problems, things didn't work out as well as he expected earlier. 
2) For whatever reasons, there are people in Houston who wants to drive Jeremy down (He mentioned about announcers, websites &etc.).  He thinks the team knows it, Jeremy knows it.  He thinks Jeremy is doing fine, unlike last year, he was beating up on himself.  It is real and not fair for sure, but Jeremy is dealing with it the best he can.
3) If Jeremy gets traded, he is fine with it, but he doesn't think Rockets will do it.  Either ways are fine for Jeremy.  He is getting paid, he is improving, and he is doing well.
4) If Jeremy make a 'stand' like what some fans think he should do, it would be a mistake for his career.  Jeremy is doing the right thing to praise Harden, and to accept his role.
