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30多場比賽已過, 火箭水平是西部3-5. 要想再上一台階, 必須換帥, 否則永遠沒戲。原因如下:
1.    1.   火箭隊員整體水平不錯, But there is no team work. Last year, 胡子還跑位, 今年隻站圈頂, 單幹, 碰瓷。火花隻想強打藍下,one on one.  隻有Lin 和TJ還有時有幾個配合。這麽打, 勝不了強隊。這不是隊員的問題, 是教練的無能。
2. 火箭隊裏的球星are not super star yet. The difference between star and super star is that the super star who make his teammate a better player so that they can be champ as a team. 胡子和火花想當superstar, 但不隻如何去做。Mchale沒能給他們正確的指導。所以他們隻想刷分。教練的一個最重要的任務是引導star to become super star. 最好的例子是Phile. 看看MJ在Phile當教練之前和之後,Kobe和Shaq 在Phile當教練之前和之後。We not only remember their play, we can also remember those role players as well. After those role player trade to other team, they disappeared. 看看胡子去年和今年。He plays more iso. 不是胡子不想努力, 是他不知道如和去做。Unfortunately, Mchale did not know either.
3. 教練沒有team play 的概念。主要表現在隊裏沒人想跑空位, 隻是站在指定位子no matter what happen. Because they have to open the flore space for the star to play iso. It is coaches fault, because he told them to do so. 這是個惡性循環。It will destroy the team spirit. Because no one want to be defense only except a few defense specialist.

For Lin, he is not in a bad position, because he get paid well while he is improving.  He has clear improved him game. He has more weapons while still keeping his vision. With the ability he has demonstrated, Rocket can not afford to bench him. PLus who is the right PG is still an issue for debate. He should thank GOD for that.
In fact the two Hs may be more unhappy now, because they have much higher expectations this year and has a lot to prove. They ran into a glass ceiling which they can not see and they do not know what prevent them to bring their game and the team to next level. The good news is that Phil is available. It is up to the Rocket owner to decide what to do. Until then, Lin , Harden and Howard are not going to struggle in different way. Rocket is not going to the space. It is a Jet with Rocket engine at best.


我覺得除小林外,火箭基本上都是弱點 -msgttst- 給 msgttst 發送悄悄話 (61 bytes) () 12/30/2013 postreply 15:50:07

嗬嗬,至於嗎? -雪花無聲- 給 雪花無聲 發送悄悄話 雪花無聲 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2013 postreply 15:52:21

是的,豬頭豬腳隻能帶帶墊底的隊,好隊員奪了反而不會用,能力不夠。 -Girl8888- 給 Girl8888 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/30/2013 postreply 16:50:13

McFail was a 6th man with a nickname "blackhole". How high is hi -ezf- 給 ezf 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 01/02/2014 postreply 12:09:26



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