
my 2 cents about Lin's injury. I was in the GSW game last Friday, and I sit pretty close to the bench area, thus of course I had paid a lot of attention to Jeremy off court.

I noticed he had back issue from right beginning, as he has kept stretching his back all the time even before the game start. But that did not seem to limited him too much either. I know there are pictures on the internet that he has his back warpped up during mid game, but he had that from the beginning of the game too, just he was putting it inside his warm up shirt at the beginning. He pretty much had it after his warm up, and since the game tip off, and he will keep it on whenever he is off court, and sit on the bench.

I also noticed that at the tip off, he was taking some medicine on the bench. I assume that was some kind of pain killers, as there is really no need to take any other medicine at that time, I mean during a game, only make sense for pain killers as that would take 20 some minutes to become active, thus he will need to time it when to administer it. If he want it to work the best time range, that's the time you take it, 15-20 min before you need the effect.

Then during the game, he was wrapping his back when he is off the court, but during the whole process, I did not notice any specifics that indicate his back pain gets any worse. Or he was any further limited by his back. According to Jason, sounds like it gets much worst after half time, but I did not notice that. To me it is like there is something with his back, but it is under control.

Also I did not worry too much during the game is that, Jeremy is not the only one wrapping his back, Casspi did that too, after mid game, he also ask for the same kind of towel package to put on his back, there is also another player did that, I could not remember who that is. Oh, BTW, Lin also had one of that kind of towel package on his knee at the beginning of the game too. So I thought that was some kind warm towels to keep it warm, so if he had tight back, the heat would somehow lose it up a little bit.

So, to me, yes, Lin had some back issue for sure at this moment, it is just really strange that it was that bad as described by Rockets PR reporters. And that does not looks to me a new injury during GSW game.

BTW, I have not found the described play about Lin run into Bogut screen, according to Jason, that was happened in the first half, and there is only very short stretch that both Lin and Bogut on the floor which was in the second Q. And I did not see Lin run into him there. So I'd apprciate if anybody could point me when that happened.
