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回答: 再貼關於downtown的來由talkatwxc2013-05-09 08:00:21



Johnny Most: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Most

Brent Mu*****urger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brent_Mu*****urger

Hunter S. Thompson 是個作家,他說Johnny Most, 60年代的體育播音員,Mr。 Most先發明了from downtown 這個詞,就是形容遠距離投籃。
在80年代早期的NBA 總決賽 Brent Mu*****urger大用特用這個詞。

下麵是 Thompson寫的:

Hunter S. Thompson claimed that it originated with Johnny Most, the Celtics announcer in the 60s. However, it wasn't until Brent Mu*****urger started covering the NBA finals for CBS in the early 80s that the term gained traction.

    That is when Mu*****urger changed the language of sports forever when he kept repeating this ignorant notion that any basketball player firing off a long 3-point shot is shooting from "downtown." (Celtics announcer Johnny Most might have coined the "downtown" trademark in the 1960s, but it was Mu*****urger who beat it to death.) I still hear in my dreams his wild gibberish every time Michael Cooper or Dennis Johnson drilled one of those long flat-line 3-pointers. "From way downtown!" Brent would scream. "Another one from Downtown!" It drove me mad then -- & it still does every time some fool blurts it out. It was quickly picked up and adopted by a whole generation of half-bright TV commentators every night of the bloody season. It has become part of the Lexicon now, & it will not be easy to correct. In gyms & Coliseums all over America (even in Greece or Korea), wherever basketball as we know it is played, there will be some howling Jackass braying, "From way downtown! Another 3-pointer! Is this a great country, or what?"

    It is the Curse of Mu*****urger.





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