小關報道/Highlights - A Tough Round 3 :)

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Highlights: http://www.golfchannel.com/media/golf-central-saturday-feature-2/
報道: Teen, beat: Guan posts 77 in Zurich Round 3

His 7 on the sixth hole was the first time in more than six Tour rounds that he recorded a score worse than bogey. 

Guan will be first out and play alone Sunday. Let's 為他加油!
Update: 小關的 tee time (EDT) was 
10:01 a Colt Knost Guan Tianlang

今天+1,through 17. Total +3.


謝謝!小關,加油! -MrOldBull- 給 MrOldBull 發送悄悄話 (51 bytes) () 04/28/2013 postreply 06:00:55
