
來源: newrocket 2013-02-23 06:03:51 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14560 bytes)

Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey Is No-Brainer Executive of the Year

By Marshall Zweig (Featured Columnist) on February 23, 2013


hen an NBA player's shot is falling, we say he's found his shooting touch.

Daryl Morey's shots are falling like Hans Gruber at the end of Die Hard. But in the Houston Rockets general manager's case, it's more accurate to say he's got the Midas touch.

How else could Daryl Morey have possibly packed so many brilliant moves into one season?

And how many brilliant moves in a season must one man make to win NBA Executive of the Year going away?

The man absolutely blew up the Rockets this summer, making 13 moves involving 31 players and four draft picks. Only small forward Chandler Parsons remained from last year's rotation. Few, if any, picked this team to get over the .500 mark.

Yet here the Rockets sit, a roster of young, energetic, hard-working, seemingly high-character guys, in eighth position for the playoffs, and fresh off beating one of the East's best teams, the Brooklyn Nets, two nights after beating one of the West's best teams, the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Oh, and they notched both victories while shorthanded—because of another brilliant Morey trade.

How do you impress me, Daryl? Let me count the ways—if I can count that high.

512x_crop_exact Morey (left) with Jeremy Lin and owner Les Alexander. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

I've raved at length in other articles about the daring game of chicken Morey played with the Rockets' starting point guard position prior to the season—a game he won with a brilliantly constructed contract that stymied the mighty New York Knicks and netted the Rockets Jeremy Lin.

I've waxed rhapsodic about Morey's selection of Parsons. To say he was a steal as the 38th overall pick is to call Jesse James a small-time hood.

Granted, that was last season's brilliance. But as I mentioned, Parsons was the one guy he chose to keep from last year's rotation. He bet on his second round pick and won: the last man standing from last season has this season become one of the league's top 10 small forwards—at a price which makes one want to shout, "There's a sale at Penney's!"

In Parsons' case, Morey gets credit for his inaction rather than his action.

I've commended Morey for the statistical gold he mined in handing a minutes-deprived backup center a big contract and a starting job. The result: Omer Asik is perhaps the leading candidate for the NBA's Most Improved Player award.

And finally, I've lauded him for his relentless pursuit of James Harden and his guts in handing him the keys to the castle offensively. Harden is not just one of the league's top scorers—he's one of the very best players in the NBA.

Hi-res-160401690_crop_exact Robinson will be another Morey success story, I predict.
Jared Wickerham/Getty Images

Now Morey has wisely assessed his lack of defensive production at power forward and traded for a woefully underused but massively talented Thomas Robinson, while giving up only players who, Jeremy Lin's heavy heart notwithstanding, won't be missed on the court within a month's passing.

I'm shocked to have heard some critical comments about Robinson. I watched him play at Kansas, and there is a reason this guy led the nation in double-doubles the year he was drafted. He can not only rebound, but he can score around the rim.

Why the Kings had him playing so frequently on the perimeter is anybody's guess—heck, why the Kings do anything they do is anybody's guess. But again, Morey wins for picking such an inept franchise to make a trade with.

This deal wasn't as lopsided as the 2008 Pau Gasol trade, but to me it was reminiscent of it. And given time—and not much, mind you, just until the midway point of next season—I believe Robinson will be to the power forward position what Parsons is to the small forward position.

Will Daryl Morey win 2012-13 Executive Of The Year?

  • Yes

  • No

  • As long as he gets the chance, that is. For Morey did all of the above while, incredibly, positioning himself to be almost $20 million under the cap come summer. Which means Robinson might be coming off the bench, displaced this summer by a free-agent acquisition the likes of Josh Smith or Dwight Howard.

    It's enough to make you forget the name Royce White.

    It was a long, strange trip getting here, but Morey's bargain-basement Rockets are the stuff Brad Pitt movies are made of. This is general management almost too efficient and effective to be believed.

    This is a job performance which cannot be ignored come NBA awards time.

    For those voters who might be reading this article, one last note for your consideration: To pull off the Harden deal, Morey had to have two first-round draft picks to give up.

    Where did he get those?

    By cleaning up two of his increasingly rare misses.

    Morey managed to finagle one in the Kyle Lowry trade, despite Lowry's oh-so-public disgruntlement in Houston, which lowered other teams' perception of him and thus his trade value. Sure enough, the talented but troubled Lowry has had trouble getting along with others in Toronto too, so much so that the Raptors couldn't trade him despite a concerted deadline effort.

    Hi-res-160349040_crop_exact Without the first-round pick Morey got for Jordan Hill, the Harden trade wouldn't have happened.
    Harry How/Getty Images

    Morey snagged the other plus Derek Fisher in exchange for Jordan Hill, who was already wearing the bust moniker at the time of the trade. Hill has actually managed to improve his per-36-minute numbers and his PER during his time with the Lakers, but has trouble both hitting a jumper and staying healthy.

    Without those two quiet masterstrokes, I say the Harden deal never gets made.

    I also say Morey better have space on his office mantle come May. He will be the unquestioned Executive of the Year.

    And Daryl, while you're at it, dust off two spaces.

    I think you'll need one more for the Larry O'Brien Trophy by the 2014-15 season.

    莫雷稱火箭交易一箭4雕 狂送人隻因要為3將讓路


    北京時間2013年2月22日,在NBA的交易截止日到來之前,火箭和國王、太陽分別進行了交易,送出了帕特森等四名球員,得到了托馬斯-羅賓 遜等三名球員。火箭的總經理達雷爾-莫雷認為,這次操作可以實現多個不同的目的,包括騰出薪水空間,得到潛力新人,為現有球員讓路,堅持小個陣容等。












    "奴隸組合"?休城新匪幫! 莫雷底薪挖來多少寶貝


    除了得分不少外,這四個哥們效率還極高。史密斯全場5投全中拿到10分4個籃板,莫泰尤納斯5投4中貢獻9分,貝弗利5投3中貢獻9分2次助攻,安德森5 投2中命中率稍低,但也有5分3個籃板3次助攻入賬。合計算起來便是,火箭的替補們20投14中,命中率高達7成!再看看籃網的替補們……25投11中, 合計拿到28分。別忘了籃網的替補陣營裏,可是有年薪高達1200萬的亨弗裏斯。

    至於火箭這幾個替補哥們的年薪是多少?說起來不怕寒 酸,安德森,貝弗利與史密斯都是清一色的底薪男,莫雷從一堆待業青年裏淘出來的寶貝。其中安德森與貝弗利還都是本賽季中途才加盟的臨時工,史密斯則在本賽 季剛剛轉正。至於莫泰尤納斯,已是今天上場的四位替補裏最"高貴"的一位,年薪達到136萬,相對年薪隻有76萬的史密斯來說已是"高帥富"般的存在。

    因此不妨做一下計算,貝弗利,安德森,史密斯以及莫泰尤納斯,這四位老兄的年薪加一塊兒肯定不到400萬,但卻打出了比籃網替補更勁爆的水準。不得不感 慨,這就是莫雷識人的本事了。令球迷同情的是,無論是貝弗利,安德森還是史密斯,都與球隊簽下了"奴隸合同",也就是所謂的1+2,無保障的合同。如果他 們能在火箭打出來,那麽後兩年火箭都會執行他們的底薪合同;如果他們打不出來,那麽很抱歉,直接裁掉便是。

    更誇張的是,這四位還不是 火箭替補的全部。在休城的替補席上,還有今年第5順位的新秀托馬斯-羅賓遜,這位身體條件勁爆的天才大前鋒將肯定先得從替補做起。此外在休城的替補席上, 還有經驗豐富的老將加西亞,可能會被球隊從發展聯盟招回來的今年第18順位新秀泰倫斯-瓊斯。當然了,我們也別忘了目前在發展聯盟裏邊打球邊治病,神經兮 兮的羅伊斯-懷特……一旦當火箭將這些球員也整合成為實實在在的戰力,那麽無疑將組成一支如同當年國王式的板凳匪幫。


    曝火箭追史密斯失敗內幕 莫雷拒棄阿西克帕森斯










    表麵是這樣。我認為是教練的功勞。 -ctgolfer- 給 ctgolfer 發送悄悄話 ctgolfer 的博客首頁 (20 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 07:18:20

    球員換了一波又一波,成績還是不錯,不是教練好那還是什麽。 -i751- 給 i751 發送悄悄話 i751 的博客首頁 (240 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 10:48:35

    Yes. 就憑著他把小林簽到火箭,他就是慧眼識珠,他是最佳! -Schering- 給 Schering 發送悄悄話 Schering 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 07:59:05

    你損他吧,多花了2千萬,還慧眼識珠。 -ctgolfer- 給 ctgolfer 發送悄悄話 ctgolfer 的博客首頁 (25 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 08:04:15

    為什麽多花2000萬?講出來聽聽. -ziteng- 給 ziteng 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 12:39:18

    他說小林隻值3年400萬。 -wxc8e- 給 wxc8e 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 12:51:19

    一年前就在火箭隊,也就帥哥的工資 -ctgolfer - 給 ctgolfer  發送悄悄話 ctgolfer  的博客首頁 (40 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 13:45:48

    我上麵的加減法是誤會你了。當時沒真正發現價值沒人會怪罪。小林和別的球星不同, -wxc8e- 給 wxc8e 發送悄悄話 (119 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 16:31:51

    傻 X, 就憑這麽多人看球討論Lin,就值2千萬. -inet-fan- 給 inet-fan 發送悄悄話 inet-fan 的博客首頁 (42 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 14:51:15

    哈哈,見笑了 -inet-fan- 給 inet-fan 發送悄悄話 inet-fan 的博客首頁 (68 bytes) () 02/24/2013 postreply 09:13:02

    塔利班離開鵝城實屬意外,多數人認為他會為冠軍而留下 -ctgolfer - 給 ctgolfer  發送悄悄話 ctgolfer  的博客首頁 (40 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 15:41:25

    有道理,下個合同再談冠軍,現在就是受傷也有保障了。 -ctgolfer- 給 ctgolfer 發送悄悄話 ctgolfer 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2013 postreply 15:58:12



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