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哈登懷念遭火箭交易4將 林書豪不習慣球隊變化

來源:搜狐體育 作者:清河村
( 4 )
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對於赴國王的3名前隊友,哈登對他們的前景表示了擔憂。“(在這個時候被交易),對於他們來說有不小的難度。當初我被交易是在賽季開始前,我有 一個賽季的時間來適應新東家,但他們是在賽季中期加盟新的球隊,得首先去熟悉球隊的情況,搞清楚自己的球隊定位,適應新的環境,做到這一點確實很艱難。” 哈登說。



Players on trades: ‘You have to get used it it … it’s a business’

As Rockets athletic trainer Keith Jones kept walking into the team’s locker room Wednesday night and players kept leaving after being told they were being traded, Rockets forward Donatas Motiejunas said he and his remaining teammates began wondering when the exodus would stop.

It ended with four departures – Patrick Patterson, Toney Douglas and Cole Aldrich to the Kings, Marcus Morris to the Suns – and the impending arrival of power forward Thomas Robinson, forward Tyler Honeycutt and guard Francisco Garcia from Sacramento.

That’s the clear-cut part. The mystery is what the Rockets do from here as they attempt to close in on a playoff berth while perhaps staging themselves for more moves in the offseason.

“It’s the NBA. It’s that time of year,” said veteran Carlos Delfino, who now finds himself in the unfamiliar position of being the Rockets’ starting power forward in a downsized lineup. “You have to get used to it.

“It’s a business. It’s tough. You want to have chemistry and a good group of guys in the locker room, and it’s tough to see Pat and Cole and TD going away. But we will move forward and see how we can do.”

 The adjustments began with significant things – as in how the matchups will be adjusted without Patterson and Morris for the Friday night game at Brooklyn – and with smaller but still significant adjustments, as in travel routines.

“Going on the plane, I sit next to Toney (Douglas),” said guard Jeremy Lin. “It’s a little weird. I’m just not that used to trades just yet, being younger in the league. It’s weird.”

Having played on four NBA teams in his career, Delfino is by now accustomed to the weirdness.

“For some weeks I was coming off the bench and playing a lot, and then I was playing a little less, and now I’m a power forward,” he said. “I do whatever I can to help the team win.”

Delfino said the Rockets talked during practice about defensive adjustments – “some things that are just momentary, a couple of days, I guess” – that will be his responsibility as Robinson arrives and gets adjusted to his new team.

The Rockets began the season with a blockbuster deal, the acquisition of All-Star James Harden, but Harden said the three players coming in from the Kings will face a different challenge than he faced.

“My trade was before the season. I had basically a full season to fill myself in,” he said. “These guys are in the middle of the season.

“Guys get comfortable with their roles on a certain team, familiar with the organization. Having to go into a new environment is going to be tough.”

What the Rockets need, Harden said, is defensive intensity from their new teammates.

“Obviously, we can score the basketball,” he said. “What got us that win (Wednesday night against Oklahoma City) was our defense coming down the stretch.”

As for Motiejunas, whose playing time may increase with Patterson’s departure, he said the challenge is to seize the opportunity for which he has been preparing all season.

“I was here before everyone showed up for summer league and training camp. I was the first one here after summer league,” he said. “I’ve put in a lot of effort. I really spent a lot of energy to get a chance, and I’m happy I will reach my chance.”

There are downsides, he acknowledged, to the trade.

“For young guys it is really important to have someone who has your back and keeps pushing,” he said. “I lost a couple of guys who were helping me, especially (Patterson). He was helping me on the court and off. For one thing it’s sad, for the other, it’s the NBA.”

He said he was nervous as Jones kept informing players they would not play because of their impending departures.

“Every time (Jones) came in, we were thinking ‘maybe someone else,’” he said. “Now we will see what happens in the future. I hope I will get my chance. That’s why I have been working every single day. I’m ready to take advantage. I’m ready to have my chance.”

Chronicle staff writer Jonathan Feigen contributed to this report.



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