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Yao Ming awarded key to the city of Houston

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Yao Ming was officially named a Yao Houston Goodwill Ambassador and was given a key to the city in a ceremony during NBA All-Star weekend.


  • Intro:

    Former NBA star Yao Ming was officially named a Goodwill Ambassador to the city of Houston, Texas by Mayor Annise Parker on Friday.


    SOUNDBITE: (English) Mayor Annise Parker (on Yao Ming being the first person she has given a key to the city to during her time as mayor):
    "I have officially offered just this one key to the city since I have been mayor. And I wanted the first to be to Yao Ming because he has already given so much to the city of Houston, he will continue to give to the city of Houston, and I know he would never disgrace the city of Houston."

    SOUNDBITE: (English) Yao Ming (on being named goodwill ambassador):
    "It's a special day for me and my family to have this award. And to be called an ambassador, I take this as a responsibility for the future to continue to work on and maintain this bridge between my two hometowns, Houston and Shanghai."

    SOUNDBITE: (English) Yao Ming (on what the recognition means to him):
    "Well I feel appreciative. This means that this city and these people accept me for the last ten years. And also I feel that this is encouragement for myself to push me to go harder in the future."

休城市長授予姚明慈善大使稱號 表彰其傑出貢獻

休城市長授予姚明慈善大使稱號表彰其傑出貢獻(圖)帕克市長向姚明頒發賀狀(賈忠 攝)


休斯敦市長安妮絲-帕克高度評價姚明自2003年作為休斯敦火箭隊職業球員以來,取得的非凡成功,姚明曾參加了8屆全明星賽事,也促進了休斯敦 市與國際上的多方聯係,加強了休斯敦社區的多元文化發展,姚明已經和正在通過自己無私的公共服務作出了卓越的貢獻。姚明的存在使休斯敦市更加豐富,休斯敦 市對於姚明致力於提高城市文化所作的貢獻表示感謝。

姚明感謝休斯敦市政府給予自己這個親善大使的稱號,他表示會珍惜這一榮譽,繼續為休斯敦市與中國城市之間以及中美兩國之間的文化交流做出自己的 貢獻。帕克市長還特意贈送了姚明一把休斯敦市的鑰匙,希望這把鑰匙能夠打開機遇之門,促進休斯敦市與中國之間的交流。帕克市長還邀請姚明及姚明的父母在姚 明巨幅照片上簽名留念,作為休斯敦市政府的永久收藏。


休斯敦《華夏時報》 記者 賈忠 發自 休斯敦的報道。



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