
來源: newrocket 2013-02-17 12:03:38 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3953 bytes)

火箭老板滿意引進林書豪 肯定莫雷工作承諾續約

中新網2月17日電 據休斯頓當地媒體報道,正當休斯頓全明星賽如火如荼進行之際,火箭老板萊斯利-亞曆山大明確表示,他打算與總經理莫雷繼續延長合同。


在引進哈登後,球迷熱切期待休斯頓能夠找到第二位超級巨星。亞曆山大對此進行了評價:“火箭吸引頂級球星會比過去容易一些,因為我們擁有詹姆斯 (哈登)。這是我們之前沒有的,球員都喜歡休斯頓。”火箭老板繼續說,“籃球和橄欖球、棒球不同,NBA進行交易的空間更小,球星更是寥寥無幾。對我們來 說,能在一年裏得到3名出色的球員非常棒。

Rockets Owner Says He’ll Re-Sign Daryl Morey

Rockets owner Leslie Alexander is pleased with the moves that netted James Harden, Jeremy Lin and Omer Asik, and said he will re-sign GM Daryl Morey before before his contract expires after next season. From the Houston Chronicle: “With the Rockets’ retooling exceeding his expectations, owner Leslie Alexander said he will not let the contract of general manager Daryl Morey expire after next season. Though he typically has not worked on one contract until the previous deal is complete, Alexander said he intends to re-sign Morey. ‘His contract is up next year, I believe,’ Alexander said on Saturday. ‘We’ll re-up him. Daryl knows that I judge him all the time. I’ve told him. He’s not shy about it, either. He just knows that’s the way I operate. Why wouldn’t I? The general manager is the one person in your organization you can really judge. He can make good moves or bad moves. This year, I think he’s made three terrific moves.’ Alexander said the decision to trade for James Harden, along with the moves to acquire the pieces that set up that deal and the free-agent additions of Jeremy Lin and Omer Asik convinced him to keep Morey.”

林書豪基金會休斯頓成立 東莞籃球學校代表捐款



帶學生赴美參加NBA全明星周末的東莞籃球學校,也受邀參加了基金會成立派對,並為基金會捐款17000美元。東莞籃球學校行政總監李林表示: “去年林書豪在我們學校辦訓練營的時候,就給了中國的孩子們很大的幫助。這次我們也力所能及的給予了一些幫助,希望林書豪通過他的基金會,能幫助到更多的 孩子們。”



新鮮事,藍球落後的中國捐錢給米國發展藍球。 -ctgolfer- 給 ctgolfer 發送悄悄話 ctgolfer 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/17/2013 postreply 13:20:35

弱勢群體或個人-重點美國的亞裔群體, NOT藍球 -newrocket- 給 newrocket 發送悄悄話 (1571 bytes) () 02/17/2013 postreply 13:31:46



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